Thursday, August 14, 2008

Darkness at the centre of Labour's energy plans

National’s energy policy, to make it easier to build power stations and use our under exploited coal and gas resources, is a good antidote to Labour’s Russian roulette attitude to power supply over the last 9 dark years.

Over NZ $3 B was lost from the economy over this winter due to business having to cut back production not to mention the long term losses from overseas companies not investing here because of uncertain power supply.

We need to use thermal and coal supplies to give us cheaper energy to stimulate our minuscule growth rate, instead of shipping it overseas for others to warm their hands by.

The several power crises that NZ has faced over the last 9 years is a direct result of Labour and the Greens stopping the building of power stations.

Wind will never be a reliable alternative.

If you are worried about Green house gases-I’m not because the idea of Carbon being a problem isn’t scientifically possible-worry about the record levels of C02 pumped out over the last 4 months as the Whirinaki diesel station is running at full capacity and so is the coal fired Huntly.

Get your head out of the tramping mountains Ms Helen.

It would be nice to see ANY election policy released from Labour, kiwis haven’t seen any yet.

Whats on your secret agenda for New Zealand Labour?

c Political Animal 2008

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