Friday, October 31, 2008
NEWSFLASH: Clark didnt fall, she was pushed
Posted by Share Investor at 9:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: helen clark fall, video
Quote of the day
Posted by Share Investor at 7:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: Helen Clark Quote, Sky City Grand Political Breakfast
HELEN CLARK FALL VIDEO: Did you enjoy your trip?
c Political Animal 2008
Posted by Share Investor at 6:44 AM 14 comments
Labels: Helen Clark takes a tumble, video
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Clark admits her lie
Posted by Share Investor at 10:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: Helen Clark lie
Labour's blog follows leader's line
As so often with Key, we are left asking the same question: ‘if he has nothing to hide, why all the lies?’
"...we had material anonymously emailed to us that gave the background to the H-fee and included a series of posts outlining the issue..."
"...he clearly knows more than he led us to believe..."
Posted by Share Investor at 9:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: h-fee saga, Labour lies, The Standard Blog
Taxpayer money used by Labour to dig baseless Key dirt
Posted by Share Investor at 8:42 PM 0 comments
Labour muckracking explodes in Helen's face

Prime Minister Helen Clark distanced herself, saying: "This is not a story I am handling at all." More
The curious thing to me is that the Herald seems to have set up Labour for a big fall, publishing a teaser yesterday and then pulling the rug this morning.
Helen Clark denying involvement is another lie. Mike Williams, who dug the dirt, is a close friend and in constant contact with Clark and she is informed of everything political he does.
The baseless muck racking by Labour is merely a symptom of their leaders style and it infiltrates her government and the bureaucrats that she presides over.
When cornered and on the ropes Clark always reaches for the lowest common denominator and she is true to form once again. Its desperate stuff, from a dying government.
Its time the politics of lies, cheating and corruption came to an end and this latest nonsense in a long string of filth may well bring it to an end November 2008.
c Political Animal 2008
Posted by Share Investor at 6:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: filthy Labour politics, Mike Williams
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Panic 2008!

Its enough to make you feel like Edvard Munch on a combination of speed and cocaine.
Headlines blaring across the worlds financial and main news organisations are saturating investors brains to the extent that they can hardly see their way out of all the gloom.
Of course there are practical and real reasons why most of these headlines exist and we haven't seen the worst yet but lets face it the world ain't going to come to an end.
All things must pass!
I am fed up with all the negative stuff and I am looking past the drama of "Panic 2008" and "Black October"(whats up with October for down stockmarkets?) and towards what lay on the other side of it.
We are coming close to the bottom of the down part of a financial cycle and the big economic impact is likely to hit soon and last until well into 2009/early 2010-of course the reactions by politicians to it may delay growth -at the same time though the seeds of an economic recovery are being planted.
The New Zealand dollar has been decimated and will continue to fall and this of course will help an export led recovery, one that is sustainable, rather than the tax and spend merry go round we have been on for the last 9 years.
Lower New Zealand interest rates, and US ones in particular will lead to an increase in business growth through cheaper lending and a pick-up in job numbers and in home lending this will lead to all the knock-on industries benefiting as a result.
Lower asset values will lead to more prudent buying by investors and a gain for those who have bought in a falling market and for those who haven't had to sell their house, stocks or rental property.
Lower commodity prices for oil, grain, sugar and a whole host of other staples that make economies tick will be a welcome relief for citizens lumbered with less employment or problems with high debt.
My point is that with every downside associated with the current financial and economic turmoil there is a mirror upside in the future and that is just how economic cycles work.
The fact that the upwards cycle has been a steep one unfortunately means the downside will be reasonably lengthy but in the process of movement back towards the top there are opportunities to be had for investors to capitalise on by buying cheap assets and benefit from their foresight when things inevitably get better.
All we need now is a little more faith in the future to make the upside a reality sooner rather than latter.
Panic 2008 @ Share Investor
Why I am optimistic about the Global recession
Learning from History
Strap yourself in baby!
Will the stalactites hold?
Follow the Monopoly Board
Free Market to Pollies: We don't want you
The $700 Billion question: How much will the bailout affect your investment?
Not so sweet Fannie Mae
Financial weapons of mass destruction
Global credit squeeze: There is no free lunch
The Global economy looks bad now? But wait there's more
Current Credit crunch a blessing in disguise
Lenders must come clean over losses to restore faith in credit marketsWatch for dead cats bouncingGlobal Market Meltdown: I can smell the fear from here
Warren Buffett's The Intelligent Investor
Global Market's dropping and your portfolio
Global Market Meltdown: What is Warren Buffett doing?
A sensible approach to global market volatility
c Share Investor 2008
Posted by Share Investor at 9:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: Black October, Panic 2008
Labour Election advertising misleading

Posted by Share Investor at 7:51 PM 0 comments
Labour's baseless attack on John Key could well bite come polling day
"For any politician to hint or suggest otherwise would be absolute rubbish and pure mischief-making." Chas Sturt, former Serious Fraud Office director
Unfortunately for Labour a serious fraud investigation cleared any involvement by John Key and his reputation is clear. From Charles Sturt:
The former Serious Fraud Office (SFO) director, Charles Sturt, said on August 25, 2007, that Mr Key was not involved in the H-Fee scam.
The SFO interviewed Mr Key about it, and Mr Sturt said he was one of many innocent people in a massive fact-gathering exercise.
"It should not need to be said that John Key was completely innocent of any wrongdoing whatsoever," Mr Sturt said.
"For any politician to hint or suggest otherwise would be absolute rubbish and pure mischief-making." More
He refutes completely about any involvement in a foreign exchange scam here.
Unfortunately for Key mud does stick and the filthy way Labour are running their election campaign must mean they have done some inside polling of their own and have found they are on a hiding to nothing come election day.
This Key nonsense is nothing but a media beat up and stories with way more importance and gravitas have been so far buried. Recent revelations uncovered by Ian Wishart that Labour have been involved in donations to their party from a Chinese underworld figure, in exchange for passports, Clark's involvement in the Owen Glenn saga and her blatant, irrelevant, use of the race card twice last week have largely been swept under the rug by our left loving media.
If that is the best Clark has she and her cabal are going to have to dig even deeper and they probably will.
Unfortunately for Labour though, this sort of filthy baseless mud-slinging may well come back to bite them on election day.
c Political Animal 2008
Posted by Share Investor at 6:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: filthy Labour politics, Mike Williams
VIDEO: National Party Election Adverts
A good selection of National Party Television advertising covering education, crime and health policies.
Posted on Political Animal free of charge so wont be counted as part of Nationals spend!
c Political Animal & National Party 2008
Posted by Share Investor at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Clarks lies should bury her 4th term chances
Still a "raw nerve" indeed. This conversation shows that ministry officials had direction from a higher office.
I would contend that the direction to stonewall came from Helen Clark's office and Owen Glenn contends that Labour and Clark knew of the lobbying and Glenn's donation to Winston Peters.
This is also in the light of Labour receiving $500,000 from Glenn and further pleas by Labour for more money this year.
What other reason would there be stonewalling?
Yet Clark still has Winston Peters in her political clutches, being paid for not doing his job and will use him again to try and cobble together a post 2008 election government.
I would really like to see Clark put under the griller by the same "journalists" that gave Lockwood Smith a hard time over revealing facts about various new immigrants and their work practices and turned that story into one about racism.
Unfortunately we are unlikely to see ambush Inquisitions of Helen Clark from the Duncan Garners of this world simply because they want to maintain good relations so as to get access to the Prime Ministers office in the future.
Watch for more spin from Labour and "new" "leaks" about National party ministers to take the heat off.
Pass the banana, I'm all full up here.
Related Political Animal reading
Clark stretches new Peters revelation into wafer thin excuse
c Political Animal 2008
Posted by Share Investor at 6:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: helen clark, Owen Glenn, winston peters
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Green and Red make a horrible mess

Posted by Share Investor at 10:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: communism, Green Party, socialism
Clark stretches new Peter's revelation into wafer thin excuse
A memo on April 19, 2007 from Mfat chief executive Simon Murdoch said Mr Peters "wants to appoint an honorary consul in Monaco. It is a distinguished expat of his choice."A memo the next day said the name mentioned was Owen Glenn... "I have no further details except that he is a mega-rich NZer living in Monaco. Presumably someone can google him".
Mr Peters said after the donations row exploded that questions about the Monaco appointment were hypothetical as there was no such post. More
The fact that when Owen Glenn mentioned he had been offered the position he called Glenn some sort of fantasist for saying so rubs salt into the whole scandal.
And finally and perhaps more importantly Helen Clark sees nothing wrong for a Minister of her Cabinet to accept $100,000 from an individual and latter advocate an important government position in return because:
Prime Minister Helen Clark also said there was "no issue" because no appointment had been made. More
Well Ms Clark, the simple advocating for cash regardless of a position in return or not is the crux of the matter not the outcome.
About trust indeed.
c Political Animal 2008
Posted by Share Investor at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Freedom of Speech Trust, Monaco Consulate, Owen Glenn scandal
Tapu Misa plays victim role to hilt
The perpetually grinning Lockwood Smith seems a nice enough man, too. But his comments last week about the smallness of Asian hands and the toilet training needs of Pacific migrant workers betrayed a world view that continues to prevail in the National Party...
So it's become harder for poor kids to escape their lowly position. John Key was fortunate that he was poor before the 1980s, when we were a more equal society, and the welfare system was considerably more generous than it is today.
Government policy matters.
The policies of the 80s and 90s made New Zealand one of the most unequal countries in the OECD.
But since 2000, under Labour, that gap's been closing. Not enough, thanks to Labour's resistance to restoring benefits to pre-1991 levels, but progress.
Full Article
She jumps right on board the Labour KiwiRail train going to nowheresville.
Unfortunately Misa is lying to her readers here. John Key would be far better off today in terms of welfare than he would have been in the 1970s because New Zealand is in the grip of record welfare numbers, when Working for Families welfare and a whole host of other new welfare packages are taken into account.
Another key difference that Misa ignores completely is that because welfare wasn't seen as a right back when Key was a boy he was able to escape its evil clutches and become a successful man.
He would have great difficulty doing that under today's conditions where Labour inspired incentives are instilled to remain on welfare instead of working hard to get off it.
Shame on Misa, she wears her "culture" like a badge but here fails to inspire only mediocrity and dependence, something that her culture is unfortunately not short on.
c Political Animal 2008
Posted by Share Investor at 12:30 PM 2 comments
Labels: Comments from the NZ Herald, Tapu Misa, welfare state
VIDEO: TV ONE 3rd John Key Helen Clark debate, Nov 5 2008

Ist TV One Leaders debate
Posted by Share Investor at 12:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: TV ONE 3rd John Key Helen Clark debate Nov 5 2008, video
Labour plays race card twice in one week
Posted by Share Investor at 6:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: Pacific Island Vote
Monday, October 27, 2008
VIDEO: TV ONE Minor Party Debate, 27 October 2008

ONE News Kingmakers' Debate Pt. 2 (9:16)
ONE News Kingmakers' Debate Pt. 3 (10:58)
ONE News Kingmakers' Debate Pt. 4 (10:03)
ONE News Kingmakers' Debate Pt. 5 (11:11)
ONE News Kingmakers' Debate Pt. 6 (13:49)
Posted by Share Investor at 10:58 PM 0 comments