Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sky City: What Price if Sold Monday Morning?

With news on Friday that Sky City is rumoured to have interest from ozzie's Star City and a total of almost $45 million shares changing hands on the day - the vast proportion of it after the market closed - its seems a good reason the reassess my view on my portion of the business.

From the position I am in it seems just as CEO Nigel Morrison has got the casino on a good footing, Auckland is humming and all other businesses are doing well and all are likely to do much better for the foreseeable future.

The only backslides are the backflippers.

Thats is the two projects, the convention centre in Auckland and the expansion in Adelaide.

My only interest is the price someone should pay for my belief that one day Sky City would pay off (and further in the future) and that Morrisons skills as an accountant (dotting the Is and crossing the Ts) will continue to pay off if I choose to say NO.

Im not convinced someone can pay me what i'm getting now, 20%  + PA, if I put my money elsewhere.

I think I would have to start again - depending on what price I could be offered.

I think the price would have to be significantly North of the $10 per share that Nigel said it could be back in 2009  and I don't see anyone offering any like that.

Ill just bide my time :)

Sky City Entertainment Group @ Share Investor

Share Investor's 2016 Stock Picks
Sky City gets the 2nd deal
Sky City Expansion: Adelaide Spreads on the Riverbank
Sky City to pay for National Convention Centre
Share Investor discusses Convention Centre proposal with CEO Nigel Morrison
SKC Convention Centre power-point slide illustrations & SKC submission to Auckland City Council
Sky City Gaming: Morningstars look at Sky City's gaming
Share Investor's Total Returns: Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd
Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd: Presentation to Macquarie Group
Morningstar Revalues Sky City Entertainment Group
Guest Post - Michele Hewitson Interview: Nigel Morrison
Failed Sky City bid for Christchurch Casino good news for Shareholders
Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd: Christchurch Casino bid falls short of Investment Criteria
Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd: Never mind the width feel the volume
Sky City Annual Meeting & 2011 - 2012 Profit Forecast
Stock of the Week: Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd
Sky City set to lose National Convention Centre bid
Sky City Entertainment Group: Australian Acquisition on the Cards?
Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd: 2010 Full Year Profit Analysis
Sky City Entertainment Group 2010 Full Year Profit Preview
Chart of the Week: Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd
Share Investor discusses Convention Centre proposal with CEO Nigel Morrison
Share Investor Q & A: Sky City CEO, Nigel Morrison
Sky City Entertainment: CEO Nigel Morrison discusses 2010 HY
Sky City Convention Centre Expansion a Money Loser: Part Two
Sky City Convention Centre Expansion a Money loser
Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd: Download full Company analysis
Sky City 2010 full year profit looking good
Long Term View: Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd
Sky City Entertainment: CEO Nigel Morrison discusses 2010 Half Year
Sky City Entertainment Group 2010 Interim Profit Review
Sky City to focus on Gaming
Sky City debts levels now more manageable
Insider Trading on Sky City shares
Sky City Profit Upgrade: Always on the Cards
Sky City's Current Cinema "Boom" a Horror Story in Disguise
Stock of the Week: Sky City Entertainment Group
Are Insiders selling Sky City Stock?
Sky City Entertainment 2009 Interim Result Preamble
2008 Sky City profit analysis
Sky City share offer confusing and unfair for smaller shareholders
Sky City Entertainment 2008 Full Year profit results , NZX release, 2008 full year presentation, result briefing webcast, financial statements
Sky City 2008 profit preamble
Sky City outlines a clear future plan
As recession bites Sky City bites back
Sky City Assets: Buy, sell and hold
Why did you buy that stock? [Sky City Entertainment]
Sky City Share Volumes set tongues wagging
Sky City half year exceptional on cost cutting
NZX Press release: Sky City profit to HY end Dec 2007
Sky City Cinemas no Blockbuster

Sky City Entertainment share price drop
New Broom set to sweep
Sky City Management: Blind, deaf and numb
Sky City sale could be off
Opposition to takeover
Premium for control
Sky City receives takeover bid
Sky City Casino Full Year Profit to June 30 2007
Setting the record straight
Sky City CEO resigns
Sky City Casino: Under performing
Sky City Casino 2007 HY Profit(analysis)
Sky City Casino 2007 HY Profit

Discuss SKC @ Share Investor Forum

c Share Investor 2016

The Worst Customer Service I Have Ever Had: Jetstar

Image result for jetstar customer service nz

I posted the following on facebook on February 18.
I traveled to Auckland from Napier for the last 2 years 2 times a month via Air New Zealand until December to see my daughter. 
I'm going back to Auckland for good in 2 weeks.
I wanted to give the incumbent some competition so bought 2 tickets in Feb for $118. Much cheaper than Air New Zealand.
BUT HERE IS THE WARNING. Do not under any circumstances buy tickets for any Jetstar flights. They will be late. In many cases, like below, not come at all.
Your not going to "like" this. I just got back to Napier after spending the night in Auckland at the International Terminal (got 2 x 8 food vouchers) because "we ran out of time and just decided not to go tonight, cause we ran out of time" (my emphasis).
I have to thank Hollie at the desk, there that she was so embarrassed she offered to PUT ME UP IN A HOTEL AT HER EXPENSE for the night - such a sweet thing to because if you know me i have had a stroke and 5 seizures and i "have" (i say this but it seems its past now) to have my meds twice a day) Hollie (i think it is Hollie) you a wonderful person,
We decided to get you all on the 3.00pm the following day (today) but get this there is a flight to Napier at 8.45am so i try to get on this i get asked to come back at 8.15am but find the plane is late, go figure, so the standbys that they usually have, they had empty seats on the plane, they don't have anymore. They have them there but it is there policy to cut you off.
To cut a long story short a wangled my way onto the plane after shouting at the top of my voice (i meant too but i simply shouldn't have to) I simply wanted to give the other guy a go (love competition)and was willing to forgive them the fact that i was one hour late GETTING TO Auckland and had a return ticket booked next week as well.
But guess what, i will never, fly Jetstar again.
Thanks to this, countless others will be thinking again. 
You have been warned.

Share Investor Reading

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Critics and Wannabes

Chart forFisher & Paykel Healthcare Corp Ltd (FPH.NZ)

Just wanna counter the critics and wannabes, especially the ones you find on the internet.

Your criticism should be ignored.

If you know are doing the right thing for you, it doesn't matter who you have to answer for because the only person you have to satisfy.

Is you.

On that, ill take one instance is writing on this blog and on one particular instance on Fisher and Paykel Healthcare Ltd.

I had followed this stock for YEARS, not months and if you were to take my advice, freely of course because you don't have to take my advice, i'm just freely sharing it with you on these pages, you would have made at least 4 times your money and be in the position you are now with this company of more to come.

That's not including the 60 plus cents in divs.

Looking back i even included my advice AT THE PEAK OF MY CONFUSION AND STRIFE, IN THE MIDDLE OF A STROKE  


At 1.91 today this puppy must be returning about 10%. Looks like another support level to me, if I had the money id be getting in again. Beware that this might jump down again again but also be aware that that this share traded at at 1.86 today. Depends what you want if you get it now you will return you well in the long term, if you think the traders (money) have had their fill get in now,if you don't bide your time.

An Anon Critic:

Come on, FPH is a dead end. Where its gona go and on what basis? Strong yield? How much are you expecting to gain, 10c a share?

So an answer to your critics.

Don't take what you read to heart, if you know you have made the right decision.

Stick with it.

It will pay off.

It has for me.

Addendum : Where are all the commentators now, bet ya they are too scared to put their feelings down on paper less than 4 years latter ?

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare @ Share Investor

Global Market Sell-Off Stocks: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Resmed takes market share from Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Resmed kicking Fisher & Paykel Heathcares butt?
Share Price Alert: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd
I'm Buying: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd
Share Investor's Total Returns: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd
Share Investor's 2011 Stock Picks
Stock of the Week: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare & the US Dollar
Mondrian Investment Partners take stake in Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare: 2010 Full Year Profit rests on Foreign exchange movement
Long Term View: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Stock of the Week: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Analysis - Fisher & Paykel Healthcare: FY Profit to 31/03/09
Schroder Investment Management takes big Fisher & Paykel Healthcare stake
Long VS Short: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Big Fisher & Paykel Healthcare trades a curious tale

Why did you buy that stock? [Fisher & Paykel Healthcare]
Drinking and Trading
Share Investor's 2008 stock picks
Fisher & Paykel: A tale of two companies
FPH downgrade masks good performance

Discuss FPH @ Share Investor Forum
Download FPH Company Reports

Toughen Up: What I've Learned About Surviving Tough Times
by Michael Hill 

Think Bigger: How to Raise Your Expectations and Achieve Everything

Share Investor 2016

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Air New Zealand: On the Way Down

Air New Zealand is probably a very good airline.

I can either not afford to fly with them (in New Zealand I have to) and when I can it is some sort of forced codeshare thingy.

Those of you who know this blog well know i'm not a big fan of airlines and I share my fear of investing in them with that famous billionaire Warren Buffett.

I fear the end of the line for Air New Zealand, soon.

What I am saying is the number of news stories, local and international, about airlines expanding into new territories is particularly worrying. GROWING airlines, growing seats, lowering fares, its the only business I know that people(investors)get excited about prices going down - you should be worried.

The Airline has been doing ok for a number of years but this year after oil prices hit the bottom (i'm picking in the mid to high teens) and start rising things will start to move the other way.

The staff labour costs, fees paid to airports, divs to the govt, cost of food, cost of computer systems and long flights proportionately cost more. There are in the air for longer and burn a shit load of fuel.
Passengers just pay for one ticket. Air New Zealand are flying longer flights - along with everyone.

Of course there's hedging. The person in charge of this I would say has the most important job in the airline. What he does now will ultimately affect what happens a few years down the road.

By all accounts Air NZ has a very good one/s.

Be very careful if you are a long term investor. I would avoid this stock at all costs.

If however you are in it for the short term then Bobs your uncle, go for it.

You probably know when to pick it.

AIR @ Share Investor

Queenstown Airport: Loud Voices & Loyalty
Long Term View: Air New Zealand Ltd
John Palmer Tipples on the Shareholder
Mike Pero and Air New Zealand: Capitalism vs Socialism
Rob Fyfe's "Environmental Extremism"
Reality Needs to Bite
Air New Zealand wants another taxpayer bailout

Discuss this stock at Share Investor

c Share Investor 2016