Xero chief executive and founder Rod Drury. Photo / Mark Mitchell
When walking, and looking for the brain injury trust - Friday Mornings at 9.50am for swimming - who did I come across in Hastings Rd but one fellow that has been in the news of late - well he hasn't really been out of the news really - Xero Ltd's [XRO.NZX] Rod Drury.
I initially walked past him as he was walking to his Porsche Cayenne to get something, he has totally changed
in that he has lost a LOT of weight and boy does he look good ...something that is bound to add many years to his productive life - I didnt want to miss him, I would have been too shy in the past.
Anyway he mentioned lunch or something so I guess it will be down to the local coffee shop - which there are countless - to have a break from work and a catch up.
For those of you who dont already know, I had a seizure about 6 weeks ago, which had me on my face with broken bones to about half of it, my face basically took the full impact, and I had a further brain injury of which im starting to feel better now.
Because of that I quit work, I wasnt able to do it any way, to concentrate on getting better. This includes moving to Hastings for a year to stay with my brother and his business activities.
Im going to make a full recovery but it is going to take time..the brain is an amazing thing.
For the people that I miss, Sophia and Komla, to those that will not be named , especially my tennis partner, I will return better than I was before.
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c Shareinvestor 2013