Well, if you have following the sideshow to the Allan Hubbard Saga as a whole, the collapse of Paul Carruthers, the main supporter of Allan Hubbard, into a heap of his own paranoid delusional bile, we seem to have wrapped up the trilogy with
news out this morning that Allan Hubbard has distanced himself from Paul and his support activities:
Paul Carruthers, a traveling salesman and the spokesman for the group
Stand By Hubbard, has been outspoken in his defence of Mr Hubbard...
Mr Carruthers has frequently commented online that Mr Hubbard's financial downfall was the result of a government and media conspiracy.
Mr Hubbard has said while Mr Carruthers rings him "occasionally", he was not authorised by him to be his spokesman.
"He does have some odd views.
"He is doing this on his own account. He is not an investor; he is just someone that feels strongly about what has happened."
Mr Carruthers is also one of half a dozen regular commenters on the Leave Allan Hubbard Alone Facebook group.
"I said they rolled Allan to make way for the new Heartland Bank. History will prove me right," Mr Carruthers posted on Facebook on Sunday.
Timaru Herald 11/11/10
Yes, he does have some "odd views" and clearly for the object of Paul's desire to come out and distance himself so forthrightly means Mr Carruthers needs to step down from his position and let a more moderate and capable person speak for Hubbard. At least get permission from the man to speak on his behalf.
Allan Hubbard can clearly speak for himself and it is best that the public get his side of the story
directly from him rather than filtered though an individual with a conspiracy theory at the centre of his argument.
With that in mind, my offer to interview Allan is an open ended one and his rational supporters who are reading this should contact me at shareinvestornz@gmail.com if they want to put me in contact with the man and or let him know I would love it if he could speak to his supporters directly without the distractions from Mr Carruthers.
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c Share Investor 2010