What really had me thinking lately was Monica Lewinsky's ex Billy Clinton and the fact that he may be in charge of the world's largest economy for the second time in almost 30 years should they - the Clintons - win in November - Hillary told us that in March this year;
"Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton says her husband would be “in charge of revitalizing the economy” if she is elected president, The Hill reports.
Speaking at a campaign stop in Fort Mitchell, Kentucky, Clinton said her husband, former President Bill Clinton, “knows how to do it … especially in places like coal country and inner cities and other parts of our country that have really been left out.”
Well this brought me back to yet again, in my opinion that, Bill Clinton is the reason why we are floating around in this "financial scary no man's land" today.
I have been aware of this opinion - since around the late 1990s - since before I wrote this piece in a book review I did in 2008;
"The chapter that held the most interest for me is Chapter 27, "The Age of Innocence". In it Cashill describes the genesis of the present day financial collapse and President Bill Clinton's central hand in it - something I was already aware of and have been for years.
Clinton forced banks and then Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to lend money to individuals (Americas race based form of lending was extended even further than it was in the 1970s) who were poor credit risks to buy houses in the 1990s and Alan Greenspan (another evil Jew?) provided the cheap interest rates through the Federal Reserve that led to the frenzy of house buying that then led to the bubble and you know the rest.You don't read a lot about the Democrats, Bill Clinton and their historical central role in the 2008 financial collapse but Cashill gives you the facts and lets the reader join the dots".
What are the Clintons going to do this January when they take the reigns of power for the 2nd time? - I don't think Donald Trump is going to gain power, much to this author's chagrin - I think they are going to finish what they started.
Well, put it this way continue along the same lines.
Like all socialist leaders in power, the Clintons became even richer than they were already because of the presidency and the 2nd time around they will become even richer.
They are not doing it for yours and mine good they are doing it for their own good.
The answer to my questioning above, is a severe depression, at some stage, the likes this world has never seen before.
Think before you vote.
From Amazon
Popes and Bankers: A Cultural History of Credit and Debt, from Aristotle to AIG by Jack Cashill Buy new: $13.58 / Used from: $0.01 Usually ships in 24 hours c Share Investor 2016 |
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