Wednesday, January 7, 2009

February 2009 reporting season to headline a bad year

Welcome back to the Share Investor Blog for 2009.

I wish you all an especially prosperous year after the routing we have all had to our wealth last year.

Lets get back to business!

The first real indication of how the global recession has affected New Zealand business, in terms of profit and sales, will be of course the coming reporting season, which kicks off in February.

We have already had some indication of what might lay ahead.

August 2008 reporting season was flat to lack lustre and profit warnings from several companies pre-Christmas, especially retailers (with the notable exception of The Warehouse [WHS.NZ] which only saw a 1.9% same store sales report out today), which have taken the shine off Feb 2009.

The six months to February 2009 will show a good 3-4 months of trading for New Zealand NZX listed companies, under the economic gloom that kicked off in October 2008, with massive market corrections, credit difficulties and the collapse of some large American business icons, bailouts of banks, car makers and a host of other businesses, large and small.

It isn't going to be pretty.

While companies like Contact Energy[CEN.NZ], Sky City Entertainment[SKC.NZ], Vector [VCT.NZ], Trustpower [TPW.NZ] are likely to have solid profit results, businesses such as Nuplex [NPX.NZ], Pumpkin Patch [PPL.NZ] and Rakon [RAK.NZ] are going to disappoint.

Furthermore we will be able to get a better grip on how company management see the 2009 business year going.

To be sure many companies have already ditched any accurate forecast for the coming year but shareholder should expect to see comments that will elucidate company fortunes.

This will enable us all to more accurately gauge the value of companies in this market turmoil and ascertain as to whether the stockmarket drop over the last 6 months or so has been overdone or not.

I'm picking the market has been oversold, as it usually does in times of fear.

The meek amongst us will decide to sell our shares and others, like me, will then be more able to decide-another market explosion excepted* and that is very possible- when to start buying stocks again.

Make no mistake, 2009 isn't going to be a great year for the economy, business, stocks or any other asset but it is certainly going to separate the wheat from the chaff.

* some commentators are picking the commercial property bubble bursting. The only bubble left to burst.

Disclosure: I own SKC & PPL.

Recent Share Investor reading

Share Investor's 2009 stock picks

Long VS Short: Sky City Entertainment

Related Amazon reading

Forecasting Company Profits
Forecasting Company Profits by Fred Wellings
Buy new: $135.00 / Used from: $94.24
Usually ships in 24 hours

c Share Investor 2009

Sunday, December 21, 2008

MERRY CHRISTMAS: End of year comment

Like any other year 2008 has been a good and a bad year for politics.

We had the bad with Helen Clark bulldozing her way through nanny state laws with gay abandon and we had the Obama circus, a very beige looking man elected because of the colour of his skin.

On the good side we had New Zealanders overwhelmingly overthrow a socialist/communist government whose last dying proposal to restrict New Zealanders showering habits put the full stop on their state bothering ways.

To elect a man like John Key in the place of Helen Clark has been a revelation thus far.

Legislation to backpedal on moronic socialist laws began shortly after the November 8 election and lefty jaw flappers and so-called journalists have been frothing at the pen since, and I couldn't be happier.

It is great to see commonsense back in fashion.

It is this, the lack of negative politics and the fact that I got sick of reading about what the next loony thing the Labour party had done, said or would do after being elected or in opposition that had prevented me from writing about politics.

It is soul destroying to soak up so much garbage.

The new government have been thus far overwhelmingly positive, productive and have done and said all the right things,

They have provided a new more hopeful direction for us to move in and it is about bloody time.

There will be stumbles along the way over the next 3 years but Labour have left New Zealand in a particularly bad way, financially and socially.

They have lied and cheated their way through 9 years in power and it will take awhile to unravel the mess.

The macro issues over the global economy will also provide some pressure for John key and his government but they have shown indicators that they can get us through and New Zealanders think that as well otherwise the looney left would still be there.

Good luck to them for the New Year and we can only hope Labour continue to eat themselves as they have in opposition over the last 7 weeks.

New Zealand won, you lost, pass the bucket around the unions again.

Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to all my readers and I hope you enjoy your break.

Darren,  Political Animal.

c Political Animal 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008

MERRY XMAS: NZX & ASX Stockmarket Holiday hours

I wish all my loyal readers a very happy Christmas and a prosperous 2009 New Year.

It has been a pleasure writing on my favourite subject and I hope you may have found some interesting tidbits to help you out in these very crazy financial times.

I hope you can all join me in 2009 where we can all do it again.

Darren, Share Investor.

NZX & ASX market hours, 24 Dec-Jan 5

Wednesday 24 December- NZX and ASX markets close at 4.00pm NZT.

Thursday 25 December - NZX and ASX markets closed.

Friday 26 December - NZX and ASX markets closed.

Monday 29 December - normal market hours.

Tuesday 30 December - normal market hours.

Wednesday 31 December - NZX and ASX markets close at 4.00 pm NZT.

Thursday 1 January - NZX and ASX markets closed.

Friday 2 January - NZX closed, ASX open.

Monday 5 January - normal trading commences.

c Share Investor 2008

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Share Investor's 2009 Stock Picks

It is that time of the year to pick stocks for 2009.

In the face of a global recession, an uncertain economic future and dwindling values, even for good assets, it is going to be hard to pick winners.

Please keep in mind dear readers that the picks are my own and they reflect my investment philosophy and not necessarily anyone else's.

My picks are based on a long-term view, regardless of the current short to medium term market turmoil and economic uncertainty.

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare

With that in mind I will kick off my picks with a company that I consider will be one of the big successes of the next 5-10 years, Fisher and Paykel Healthcare, the health care products provider.

I had it as a pick for 2008 and it has been one of the better performers this year, even though it is still well off its highs share price wise.

Company profit forecasts to March 31 2009 have been estimated at NZ$84 million and revenue is also set to grow as it has done for the past.

Fisher profits are largely immune from the current market turmoil as buyers simply have to have the products that the health care company makes regardless of a global recession.

This invincibility from outside economic influences makes the pick for my next stock a relative no-brainer.

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare @ Share Investor

Stock of the Week: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Analysis - Fisher & Paykel Healthcare: FY Profit to 31/03/09
Schroder Investment Management takes big Fisher & Paykel Healthcare stake
Long VS Short: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Big Fisher & Paykel Healthcare trades a curious tale
Why did you buy that stock? [Fisher & Paykel Healthcare]

Drinking and Trading
Share Investor's 2008 stock picks
Share Investor's 2009 stock picks
Fisher & Paykel: A tale of two companies
FPH downgrade masks good performance

Discuss Fisher & Paykel Healthcare @ Share Investor Forum - Register free 

Ryman Healthcare 


Ryman Healthcare, the retirement home operator, carer and developer, has been increasing revenue and profit for many years and the most current profit result shows that there has been no let up in this trend with a rise of 10% to NZ$25.9 million.

Development of new villages has increased apace over the last year and there are at least half a dozen new ones ready to go at beginning 2009, including two massive villages at Orewa and Whangerei.

The long-term prospects for this company are excellent as New Zealands elderly are set to grow markedly in the future.

Metlifecare [MET:NZ], Rymans major listed competitor is also worth a look at for the same reasons as Ryman.

I have Metlifecare on my watchlist.

Ryman Healthcare @ Share Investor

Share Price Alert: Ryman Healthcare Ltd 2
Ryman Healthcare Ltd: 2011 Half Year Profit Review
Gordon Macleod on Ryman Healthcare's Australian Expansion
Share Investor Q & A: Ryman Healthcare's CFO Gordon MacLeod
Ryman Healthcare: Interview sneak peak
Ryman Healthcare Ltd: Australian Expansion Needs Care
Share Investor Q & A: Reader Questions to Ryman CFO Gordon Macleod
Long Term View: Ryman Healthcare Ltd
Stock of the Week: Ryman Healthcare Ltd
Why did you buy that stock? [Ryman Healthcare]
Long VS Short: Ryman Healthcare Ltd
Time for retirement?

Discuss Ryman Healthcare @ Share Investor Forum - Register free 

Mainfreight Ltd

Mainfreight Ltd, the New Zealand global logistics operator, have a goal of NZ$1 billion in revenue before 2010 and are only a gnats whisker short of that figure.

It is on my pick list again for 2009 as it is New Zealands best managed company and if management is good then results generally follow-this has been the history of the company thus far.

Currently business is experiencing a slow down, although profit was up nearly 10% in the last reporting period.

Management are going to approach the global market downturn with a "prudent, cautious approach to costs"-the status quo for the business since its inception.

Mainfreight @ Share Investor

Long vs Short: Mainfreight Ltd
Mainfreight drives excellent results through prudent management
Why did you buy that stock? [Mainfreight Ltd]
Mainfreight 2008 Annual report worth reading
KiwiRail will cost Mainfreight
Mainfreight keeps on truckin
A rare breed

Pumpkin Patch Ltd 



One of the worst performing stocks of 2008 if you consider a 60% odd drop in share price this year and a drop of nearly 30% in full-year after tax profit to July 31 2008.

All is not lost though!

The company has great long-term potential, with excellent product a strong brand and very loyal customers and with the share price at just over a buck it is a relative bargain when one considers it was trading at nearly 5 dollars just over a year ago.

One to stock up on during price dips and it probably will when pre-Christmas sales figures come through during the beginning of 2009.

Pumpkin Patch @ Share Investor

Pumpkin Patch buyback shows confidence in the future
Pumpkin Patch takes a hit
Pumpkin Patch ripe for the picking
What is Jan Cameron up to?
I'm buying

Why Did you but that Stock? [Pumpkin Patch]
Rod Duke's Pumpkin Patch gets bigger
Buyer of large piece of Pumpkin Patch a mystery

Pumpkin Patch a screaming buy
Broker downgrades of PPL lack long term vision
Pumpkin's expansion comes at a cost
Pumpkin Patch VS Burger Fuel
Pumpkin Patch profits flatten
New Zealand Retailers ring up costs not tills

Other quotable notables.

Telecom NZ [TEL:NZ] for its dividend. Buy around $2.

Contact Energy [CEN:NZ], Trustpower [TPW:NZ] and Vector[VCT:NZ] Any infrastructure company, especially these electricity companies are a good buy at any time but battered share prices are a good opportunity to stock up on more or make a first buy.

Auckland International Airport[AIA:NZ] A near monopoly with a beaten down stock price, buy on further weakness.

Westpac [WBC:NZ] and ANZ Bank [ANZ:NZ]. Good opportunities exist to buy at low stock prices.

If you have the nerve, any good company is going cheap in 2009 so there are plenty of companies worth buying.

Pick wisely!

Disclosure: I own RYM, FPH, PPL, AIA, and MFT shares

Share Investor's Annual Stock Picks

Share Investor's 2017 Stock Picks
Share Investor's 2014 Stock Picks
Share Investor's 2013 Stock Picks
Share Investor's 2012 Stock Picks 
Share Investor's 2011 Stock Picks
Share Investor's 2010 Stock Picks
Share Investor's 2009 Stock Picks
Share Investor's 2008 Stock picks

Broker Picks

Brokers 2014 Stock Picks
Brokers 2013 Stock Picks
Brokers 2012 Stock Picks
Brokers 2011 Stock Picks

c Share Investor 2008