Peters faces questions over donations in Parliament
"This whole affair is a shameful episode of dirty politics."
Winston Peters July 29 2008
You bet it is, but it is Winston Peters that has made the scandal over his secret donations "shameful" and "dirty".
In the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that Peters has in fact accepted secret donations from wealthy backers, this Minister has fudged the whole issue and wiggled out of the crapper by obfuscation, omission of fact and legalese. Everything but the truth.
Peters has lied. That is clear to most, except the Prime Minister, who has given her full backing to to him so she and her Labour Party can keep their last grip on power, which is quickly slipping from their fingers.
In Parliament today Peters continued the circus and came out against National's Craig Foss for having a conflict of interest owning shares and Greens co-leader Russel Norman for having an affair. Vintage Peters.
He refused to clear up the mounting accusations made against him.
The minority Labour government would topple if Peters was sacked for his failure to clear up his corrupt actions and Clarks already tattered reputation for her own law breaking and lies is further stretched because of her support for her Foreign Minister.
Corruption like this would lead to the sacking of most individuals in private employment situations.
It appears once again though that politicians, especially those from the left, are exceptions to this accepted rule.
Related Political Animal reading
Discretion was the essential part of Vela Donation
Winston Peter's Glenn donation scandal: But wait, there is more!
Peter's hangs himself in February Paul Henry Interview
Peter's admits lying about Glenn donation
Winston's silence is telling
Labour gets tangled in Peter's lies
Leaked Glenn Email
Winston got secret donations from Owen Glenn
The Owen Glenn Story: Singing the same tune but hitting a bum note
c Political Animal 2008