Showing posts with label FPH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FPH. Show all posts

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Fisher and Paykel Healthcare Ltd is a "different company" 2 years down the Track

2 Year Fisher and Paykel Healthcare Chart

Fisher and Paykel just finished trading at $25.70 yesterday. Far off its high of $36.55c plus dividends but this isn't the same company it was back 2 years ago.

Back "precovid" it was trading at NZ $1,273,400,000 of revenue on 30.3.20 and just a year latter on 30.3.21 it was trading at NZ $1,948,200,000. 

In the same time profit went from a record $ NZ 287,000,000 to a record $ NZ 524,000,000.

It was trading at $30.43 on the same date.

Now when yesterday "news" came out (common knowledge) that things were going to slow down to $1.675 billion and $1.70b in the current financial year to March 31. You can see that the market looks like it is getting ahead of itself. $36 million odd traded on the NZX and $33 million on the ASX. 

It doesn't take a genius to work out the figures and the notion that things have changed in that short year for the company. It's just so much bigger. The figures reflect that.

Of course what makes share investing special is that as soon as news comes out that's "detrimental" to the company, shares usually go off in a tangent - much like they did yesterday.

How much more downside there is I do not know. It could recover somewhat today or continue to drop. My bet is that it will continue to drop until the also rans are shaken out - the fly by nighters, we don't need them!!

Until then I will be watching as much as you in case they become a buy for me again. I own the bulk of my holding at $2.16 a share. Since 2005.

Happy investing.

c Shsre Investor 2022

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Share Investor's 2021 Stock Picks ;)

Normally i clear my mind and focus on next year.

This year, like 2020, i choose to go another way.

It has kind of run its course and ill tell you why if you be so kind to listen.

What is a stock pick but really an advert for yourself to pick whatever you want based on various methods.

I don't want to do that anymore, I see it as not helpful at all.

I would rather you pick the stock based on what you have learnt either through me or some other means - your "own" stock picks if you like.

I realize during this #covid19 period, it will be tricky to pick good long term winners.

BUT perhaps you can do the picking for once and i will listen - as i always do - intently.

I also got 6 of my 7 "might haves" right. The NZ dollar WILL weaken at some stage.

How will all my stocks do?

Well they did well this year. Pilling on about 30%. 

But don't get me wrong next year is a little bit more harder to predict - so i wont.

Except to say they are basically all over priced, due to there being little else for investors to pick over they are picking over what is already there for income.

But that's what you expect to see during this truly horrid period of Govt largesse. 

Next year we will see more of the same but a different year - 2021.

Addendum: I have to add 2 stocks to my portfolio. 2 stocks I have not owned before. Spark and Scales. Spark because they have that 5g thing which probably will take off this year and while you wait you will get paid over 5% pa. 

Scales because they have the package. Conservatively run and on sale at the moment. AND there's rumours of Scales being the front runner for Villa Maria wines.

Love as always to Sophia & Jacks  💓

Join up at Share Investor

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Share Investor's 2020 Stock Picks ;)

We have cut back on expense for next years "pick".

Welcome back to the stock picking monkey for 2020's.

This years picking is a little diff in that there will be no stock picks.

It has kind of run its course and ill tell you why if you be so kind to listen.

What is a stock pick but really an advert for yourself to pick whatever you want based on various methods.

I don't want to do that anymore, I see it as not helpful at all.

I would rather you pick the stock based on what you have learnt either through me or some other means.

The following para is an addendum. 

Except perhaps one stock - ill let you do the research - which I see as highly undervalued and that is where perhaps stock pickers come into their own picking undervalued stocks. I am going to pick one. Sky City Entertainment. It is ripe for the picking. Anything that you can buy at less than $4 is a steal. Hope I picked well Cameron Boyd ;0

So let me finish this year by thanking everyone for joining up at Share Investor and Ill finish on about what might happen next year. 

I see President Trump playing a big part in many portfolios - surprise, surprise.

I see the NZ dollar weaken.

I see bull markets to continue based on what we know so far and other indicators that are too numerous to mention.

I see interest rates drift lower (see above)

I see oil start to rise.

Gold the same.

Property in Auckland - rise. (Any monkey can pick that!)

Love as always to Sophia & Jacks  💓

Share Investor's Annual Stock Picks

Share Investor  2019

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Fisher and Paykel Healthcare Group: Sell

With the prospect of this stock ticking over to $20 and providing the portfolio a ten bagger - minus divs over 8/16 years. Fisher and Paykel Healthcare is getting more than a bit too expensive.

It currently sits at a tad over a 51 P.E. - which is too expensive but its holding up because it hasn't disappointed the market for about 7 years and look set to continue this stellar run for many more years but there is one thing that would stop this baby from climbing. I've said it before, ill say it again. A rise in the KIWI/US dollar.

Every 1 cent diff is $3m NZ +/- . So it is not insignificant the machinations between these two highly traded currencies because most of FPH business is done in the US dollar. 

Added to this is the prospect one day and it will happen, FPH will have a bad year. Everyone is aware of this but nobody will bat an eyelid as this thing lurches from one high to the next the plain fact is this is highly susceptible to a re - rating should FPH step out of line - it has happened once before since listing in 2001.

When this happens - because any downside will be temporary - is the time to cut the profits elsewhere in your portfolio and plunk as much down as you can on this one.

FPH has patents right up the wazoo and will be busy fulfilling these. They currently employ up to $NZ125m a year next year or 9% of turnover on research and development so that patent Que is is only going to get bigger.

I will not be selling the large number of shares that I hold.

If I do ill tell ya.

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare @ Share Investor

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd: Where is it Going?
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd:  Should I Buy Now?
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd: The Time to Buy
Share Investor's 2012 Stock Picks
Global Market Sell-Off Stocks: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Resmed takes market share from Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Resmed kicking Fisher & Paykel Heathcares butt?
Share Price Alert: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd
I'm Buying: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd
Share Investor's Total Returns: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd
Share Investor's 2011 Stock Picks
Stock of the Week: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare & the US Dollar
Mondrian Investment Partners take stake in Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare: 2010 Full Year Profit rests on Foreign exchange movement
Long Term View: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Stock of the Week: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Analysis - Fisher & Paykel Healthcare: FY Profit to 31/03/09
Schroder Investment Management takes big Fisher & Paykel Healthcare stake
Long VS Short: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Big Fisher & Paykel Healthcare trades a curious tale

Why did you buy that stock? [Fisher & Paykel Healthcare]
Drinking and Trading
Share Investor's 2008 stock picks
Share Investor's 2009 stock picks
Fisher & Paykel: A tale of two companies
FPH downgrade masks good performance

Discuss Fisher & Paykel Healthcare @ Share Investor 

Share Investor 2019

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare: Questioning

There's no doubt about it it FPH is definitely way overpriced.

Whether that's a symptom of the lack of quality stocks on the New Zealand market or whether is because of the hot fire underneath the company - it has been doing gang busters for a number of years - it all depends where you come from.

It tacked on well over $1 about 2 weeks ago when it mentioned to the markets that all bets were off and that the legal stoush FPH was having with RMD - Resmed - was over worldwide, so it is very sensitive to this kind of info.

No doubt the coming results out this May will be good and you have to understand that this legal brouhaha that is now over brings $20m pa in cash straight to the bottom-line.

So I think there is opportunity here for some short term gain of at least $2 per share from here for you short termer's and for us long termer's their is scope to pick some of these up during its weaker times - like the US/kiwi dollar cross going the other way.

So if you want to get some of that money back from that errant lawyer, give this a go.

Trade/invest wisely.

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare @ Share Investor

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd: Where is it Going?
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd:  Should I Buy Now?
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd: The Time to Buy
Share Investor's 2012 Stock Picks
Global Market Sell-Off Stocks: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Resmed takes market share from Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Resmed kicking Fisher & Paykel Heathcares butt?
Share Price Alert: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd
I'm Buying: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd
Share Investor's Total Returns: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd
Share Investor's 2011 Stock Picks
Stock of the Week: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare & the US Dollar
Mondrian Investment Partners take stake in Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare: 2010 Full Year Profit rests on Foreign exchange movement
Long Term View: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Stock of the Week: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Analysis - Fisher & Paykel Healthcare: FY Profit to 31/03/09
Schroder Investment Management takes big Fisher & Paykel Healthcare stake
Long VS Short: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Big Fisher & Paykel Healthcare trades a curious tale

Why did you buy that stock? [Fisher & Paykel Healthcare]
Drinking and Trading
Share Investor's 2008 stock picks
Share Investor's 2009 stock picks
Fisher & Paykel: A tale of two companies
FPH downgrade masks good performance

Discuss Fisher & Paykel Healthcare @ Share Investor 

c Share Investor 2019

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare: A Chance to get this Relatively Cheap

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd [FPH.NZX] share price has gone off the boil over the last few months. Down from a high of $16.50c to $13.20c on quite a bit of turnover yesterday.

To be fair even at $13.20c its still a bit expensive.

But is still considerably cheaper than at its highs - a full 20% cheaper.

Granted this share could/will come down in price further if there's anything significant that happens in the market.

This week it's profits were up and future profits look excellent.

I don't think you want to wait for as long as I did but you may want to wait a bit to plunge on in.

Remember it ain't a fire sale anymore - not in GFC territory - so your not going to get the bargains that i and many other people got BUT you may get the share for less than what it is selling for today.

Ill leave that up to you to decide. 

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare @ Share Investor

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd: Where is it Going?
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd:  Should I Buy Now?
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd: The Time to Buy
Share Investor's 2012 Stock Picks
Global Market Sell-Off Stocks: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Resmed takes market share from Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Resmed kicking Fisher & Paykel Heathcares butt?
Share Price Alert: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd
I'm Buying: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd
Share Investor's Total Returns: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd
Share Investor's 2011 Stock Picks
Stock of the Week: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare & the US Dollar
Mondrian Investment Partners take stake in Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare: 2010 Full Year Profit rests on Foreign exchange movement
Long Term View: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Stock of the Week: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Analysis - Fisher & Paykel Healthcare: FY Profit to 31/03/09
Schroder Investment Management takes big Fisher & Paykel Healthcare stake
Long VS Short: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Big Fisher & Paykel Healthcare trades a curious tale

Why did you buy that stock? [Fisher & Paykel Healthcare]
Drinking and Trading
Share Investor's 2008 stock picks
Share Investor's 2009 stock picks
Fisher & Paykel: A tale of two companies
FPH downgrade masks good performance

Discuss Fisher & Paykel Healthcare @ Share Investor 


Thursday, February 1, 2018

What do you Really Mean by buy now?

Image result for buy now stocks 2018

It just came to me that since I have been offering up buys and sells for a 5th of my life on this ere blog that I explain what I mean when I say you should really think about purchasing/investing this share soon.

Basically I see a share as a unit of storage. That is a storage of income to either add back to your portfolio or add to your pocket.

The cheaper you can get that storage for the better.

I have 7 stocks in my basic portfolio some of them were bought with the purpose of income - SKC, CEN & HLG - and some were bought for increasing DIVs and capital gain AIA,FPH,MFT & RYM. Currently they are all doing what they should, the 3 former are all reasonably low in share price and the 4 latter are all relatively expensive.

Once again I will not sell no matter what happens - I will only sell when something material happens with each specific company.

So the indicator there for today's market is that you tred very carefully before you purchase a share/company.

Likewise when I give an indication of what to buy in a down market, I think i tends to be a little less cautious about price - because your simply getting the storage for a lot less than you get it in an up market so its silly to quibble over a few cents.

Why not give an indication to buy only during a stock market downturn?

Well I do as a general rule I have bought anything substantial since 2012. I do however see value in specific shares during the ups and the downs. I buy these. I have bought a number of shares since 2012 but I have never held them with the intention of holding them long term.

Having said that there are 2 shares that I have bought - CEN and HLG - that I did buy between 2012 and 2014 that I have held and I didn't intend to keep them at all, except perhaps CEN a little bit - always liked this share since I first bought it in 1998 for $3.10.

What i'm saying is you need to be flexible especially now a days things are changing so fast. 

AND you can do this all yourself.

All it takes is half an hour each day to do some reading - my blog esp - and your set.

Go for it.

c Share Investor 2018

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Share Investor's 2018 Stock Picks

Halle Berry

Once again I got my girl Halle on the case and together we came up with these here stock picks for 2018.

Well, like other years this one has been a doozy for stocks.

From 6862 to just a tick over 8150 to this very day, the index has done well but you have to look out for the signs - if unlike me you tend to sell your stocks "high" at first glance of everything going to rack and ruin. AND what I have dear reader is very little idea of that.

I just tend to buy when everyone else is selling and when specific stocks are looking like a bargain.

What I also have to add, once more is the Trump factor this time we are looking at the tax cuts. I do mean TAX CUTS. These have passed the first - and biggest - hurdle and if they are to be passed before Xmas as Trump promises all bets will be off.

Depending on when the tax cuts happen - many say at the beginning of 2019 - investors are likely to see the likes of Apple, Microsoft and a whole host of other US institutions look to bring home their billions courtesy of tax cuts approaching 100%.

If they do come down in tax cuts favour the US and the rest of the world are in for an influx of capital wanting to go somewhere.

I'm guessing some of it will come back to share holders.

Crossing my fingers for US politicians to see sense. 

You'll see picks mainly from my portfolio as that is all I know. None from Australia this year because I don't have the time and two listed on the Nasdaq because the two I have picked I have picked before but this time for different reasons.

Listed on the NZX

Mainfreight Ltd

With profit up slightly this Nov and things a bit patchy in the USA and Asia there is room for improvement for MFT.

The USA/Asia are tough nuts to crack and i'm sure we're going to have to put up with perhaps a further 5 years before things are corrected and infrastructure is large enough for Mainfreight to pursue good growth.

Remember they are mere minnows in these 2 markets. They are actually minnows in every area they operate in except down here in Australasia were they are the biggest in NZ and getting bigger in Australia.

MFT say they are due for a large increase in profit for the second half, that may or may not be the case but already USA and Asia are seeing some good gains in Sept/Oct this year.

This could be got much cheaper if you wait.

Im sure you will get it at the price you are prepared to pay for it.

Mainfreight @ Share Investor

Share Investor Interview: Mainfreight's MD Don Braid
Stock of the Week: Mainfreight Ltd
Questions to Mainfreight's MD Don Braid
I'm Buying: Mainfreight Management delivers the goods
Mainfreight Annual Report Packs a Punch
Analysis - Mainfreight Ltd: FY Profit to 31/03/09
Mainfreight VS KiwiRail: The Sequel
Long VS Short: Mainfreight Ltd
Why did you buy that stock? [Mainfreight Ltd]
Mainfreight 2008 Annual report worth reading
KiwiRail will cost Mainfreight
Mainfreight keeps on truckin
A rare breed
Share Investor's 2008 stock picks

Discuss Mainfreight @ Share Investor Forum - Register free

Sky City Entertainment Ltd


Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd [SKC.NZX] is starting took look like a steal right now. The profit has been flat this year and in fact it has been pretty non-existent for the last few years and it has been a way back when levels of returns were exponential - were talking the mid 2000's when it had its heyday. 

I know I've said it before last year and the year before that and probably before that but I cant believe it is trading at current levels.

I guess its pre - 2019. That is pre current levels of development starting to come on-stream.

I believe it will make a comeback in the 2019 - 2020 year and in the meantime people are struggling over what to do.

I believe the share price wont get much cheaper than current levels and that ramping up on both sides of the Tasman - don't forget about Adelaide you should see the price start to appreciate.

I have the largest shareholding of this stock in the Portfolio and in my humble opinion this is the buy of 2018 - get it while its cheap.

Sky City Entertainment Group @ Share Investor

Failed Sky City bid for Christchurch Casino good news for Shareholders
Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd: Christchurch Casino bid falls short of Investment Criteria
Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd: Never mind the width feel the volume
Sky City Annual Meeting & 2011 - 2012 Profit Forecast
Stock of the Week: Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd
Sky City set to lose National Convention Centre bid
Sky City Entertainment Group: Australian Acquisition on the Cards?
Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd: 2010 Full Year Profit Analysis
Sky City Entertainment Group 2010 Full Year Profit Preview
Chart of the Week: Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd
Share Investor discusses Convention Centre proposal with CEO Nigel Morrison
Share Investor Q & A: Sky City CEO, Nigel Morrison
Sky City Entertainment: CEO Nigel Morrison discusses 2010 HY
Sky City Convention Centre Expansion a Money Loser: Part Two
Sky City Convention Centre Expansion a Money loser
Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd: Download full Company analysis
Sky City 2010 full year profit looking good
Long Term View: Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd
Sky City Entertainment: CEO Nigel Morrison discusses 2010 Half Year
Sky City Entertainment Group 2010 Interim Profit Review
Sky City to focus on Gaming
Sky City debts levels now more manageable
Insider Trading on Sky City shares
Sky City Profit Upgrade: Always on the Cards
Sky City's Current Cinema "Boom" a Horror Story in Disguise
Stock of the Week: Sky City Entertainment Group
Are Insiders selling Sky City Stock?
Sky City Entertainment 2009 Interim Result Preamble
2008 Sky City profit analysis
Sky City share offer confusing and unfair for smaller shareholders
Sky City Entertainment 2008 Full Year profit results , NZX release, 2008 full year presentation, result briefing webcast, financial statements
Sky City 2008 profit preamble
Sky City outlines a clear future plan
As recession bites Sky City bites back
Sky City Assets: Buy, sell and hold
Why did you buy that stock? [Sky City Entertainment]
Sky City Share Volumes set tongues wagging
Sky City half year exceptional on cost cutting
NZX Press release: Sky City profit to HY end Dec 2007
Sky City Cinemas no Blockbuster
Sky City Entertainment share price drop
New Broom set to sweep
Sky City Management: Blind, deaf and numb
Sky City sale could be off
Opposition to takeover
Premium for control
Sky City receives takeover bid
Sky City Casino Full Year Profit to June 30 2007
Setting the record straight
Sky City CEO resigns
Sky City Casino: Under performing
Sky City Casino 2007 HY Profit(analysis)
Sky City Casino 2007 HY Profit

Sky City Convention Centre @ Share Investor

Share Investor discusses Convention Centre proposal with CEO Nigel Morrison
Sky City Convention Centre Expansion a Money Loser: Part Two
Sky City Convention Centre Expansion a Money loser
SKC Convention Centre power-point slide illustrations & SKC submission to Auckland City Council

Discuss SKC @ Share Investor Forum Register free

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare 

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd [FPH.NZX] share price has had a bomb under it for the past couple of months.

It has gone from about $11.50 in Sept and just a couple of weeks ago it was trading at an all-time high of $13.88. 

To be sure it is way overvalued and I personally wouldnt get involved in anything until approaching under 5 or 6 dollars and i'm waiting but unsure as to whether it will be approaching those levels anytime soon but i'll cross my fingers. 

Fisher & Paykel will be added to the MSCI Index on Nov 30 so one could imagine that index watchers will be filling up soon - or perhaps they already have to a certain extent with very large volumes traded and they are international purchases.

To be sure the profit announcement some days ago had a deleterious effect on the share price - I don't know why, there were no surprises in the result and growth rates approaching 15% - perhaps shareholders were expecting more?

But once again i'm happy to continue holding with many, many patents to come through and increased spending on R and D keeping this shareholder more than happy.

Should you buy more hoping for a lift before inclusion in the MSCI Index?

If you want to take the chance and make a move before they do, you only have many more years of growth ahead but ill think they'll take a tumble making the shares a better bargain than they already are.

Good luck. 

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare @ Share Investor

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd: Where is it Going?
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd:  Should I Buy Now?
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd: The Time to Buy
Share Investor's 2012 Stock Picks
Global Market Sell-Off Stocks: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Resmed takes market share from Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Resmed kicking Fisher & Paykel Heathcares butt?
Share Price Alert: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd
I'm Buying: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd
Share Investor's Total Returns: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd
Share Investor's 2011 Stock Picks
Stock of the Week: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare & the US Dollar
Mondrian Investment Partners take stake in Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare: 2010 Full Year Profit rests on Foreign exchange movement
Long Term View: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Stock of the Week: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Analysis - Fisher & Paykel Healthcare: FY Profit to 31/03/09
Schroder Investment Management takes big Fisher & Paykel Healthcare stake
Long VS Short: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Big Fisher & Paykel Healthcare trades a curious tale
Why did you buy that stock? [Fisher & Paykel Healthcare]

Drinking and Trading
Share Investor's 2008 stock picks
Share Investor's 2009 stock picks
Fisher & Paykel: A tale of two companies
FPH downgrade masks good performance

Discuss Fisher & Paykel Healthcare @ Share Investor Forum - Register free 

Ryman Healthcare 

Ryman Healthcare [RYM:NZ] had a good half year 2 weeks or so ago and the share has packed on nearly 10% to be at record levels.

It has been notably vacant in the news for 3-4 years - and quite frankly that's the way management like it.

While this vacancy has occurred the company has doubled in size and their making sites all over New Zealand and Australia their own as they ramp up towards 20000 residents within 5 years and more as time goes on.

I really don't have much more to say about this stock except to watch closely and buy when it goes down and stay away when the opposite occurs. 

Ryman Healthcare @ Share Investor

Share Price Alert: Ryman Healthcare Ltd 2
Ryman Healthcare Ltd: 2011 Half Year Profit Review
Gordon Macleod on Ryman Healthcare's Australian Expansion
Share Investor Q & A: Ryman Healthcare's CFO Gordon MacLeod
Ryman Healthcare: Interview sneak peak
Ryman Healthcare Ltd: Australian Expansion Needs Care
Share Investor Q & A: Reader Questions to Ryman CFO Gordon Macleod
Long Term View: Ryman Healthcare Ltd
Stock of the Week: Ryman Healthcare Ltd
Why did you buy that stock? [Ryman Healthcare]
Long VS Short: Ryman Healthcare Ltd
Time for retirement?

Discuss Ryman Healthcare @ Share Investor Forum - Register free 

Hallensteins Glassons

Image result for hallensteins nz charts

Hallenstein Glasson Holdings Ltd [HLG.NZX] Is a stock that has had a tough couple of years but it is making a comeback.

Its latest protfit result has been good and they had a market update last week that looked really good.

It is getting its ducks in a row and looks to be growing sales and margins in a market that is highly competitive in this part of the world - Australasia. 

It really is an important stock in this portfolio as it returns 15% plus and this only increases as the years pass.

Were looking at next year returning in excess of 30'c a share, some say much greater than that.

Whatever the Sept 2018 reporting returns we will see this stock heading upwards of $4 per share as it eases into reporting season when this kicks off for this stock in March 2018.

If I had some dosh I would plunk it down on this all the way to $ 4.50

Hallenstein Glasson @ Share Investor

Hallenstein Glasson: Sold By Days End?
Share Price Alert: Hallenstein Glasson Holdings Ltd 3
Share Price Alert: Hallenstein Glasson Holdings Ltd 2
Share Price Alert: Hallenstein Glasson Holdings Ltd
Hallenstein Glassons Ltd: Should I stay or should I Go?
Mixed Retail Outlook
Long Term View: Hallenstein Glasson Holdings Ltd
The History Of: Hallenstein Glasson Holdings Ltd
Hallenstein Guidance not indicative of wider retail recovery
Stock of the Week: Hallenstein Glasson
Hallenstein Glasson Australian expansion needs expert execution
Why did you buy that stock? [Hallenstein Glasson]

Discuss HLG @ Share Investor Forum 
 - Register free
Download HLG Company History

Contact Energy Ltd

Contact Energy Ltd [CEN.NZX] is a stock much like Hallensteins before it, its a good Dividend stock. It also been in a bit of a lull over the last year.

I have been buying it in the $4.40-4.50 range this year and I been tempted but as I say in previous commentary above my lawyer gets the excess div's to look after young Sophia and 2018 looks to be a changing year on that front.

Back to Contact.

It still looks kinda attractive with div's in excess of 6% and increasing dividends next year due to a change in Contacts capital structure - a positive change.

Add this to the company being worth in excess of $3.20 Net Tangible Assets and you get quite an upside.

I would buy this up to $6.40 as it looks set to begin, it already has actually, a hot, dry summer.

Make hay while the sun shines. 

CEN @ Share Investor

Share Price Alert: Contact Energy 10
Contact Energy: Buy Now!
Share Price Alert: Contact Energy Ltd 8
Share Price Alert: Contact Energy Ltd 7
Share Price Alert: Contact Energy Ltd 6
Share Price Alert: Contact Energy Ltd 5 
Contact Energy look set to gain customers
I'm Buying: Contact Energy Ltd
Share Investor Portfolio 2: Value @ 7 July 2011
Share Price Alert: Contact Energy Ltd 4
Share Price Alert: Contact Energy Ltd 3
Share Price Alert: Contact Energy Ltd 2
Share Price Alert: Contact Energy Ltd
Stock of the Week - Reprise 5: Contact Energy Ltd
Origin Energy asset stripping Contact Energy
Stock of the Week - Reprise 4: Contact Energy Ltd
Stock of the Week - Reprise 3: Contact Energy Ltd
Long Term View: Contact Energy Ltd
Stock of the Week: Reprise 2 - Contact Energy
Stock of the Week: Reprise - Contact Energy 
Not so fast Davy Boy
Still Watching Contact Energy
Beam me up Davy
Stock of the Week: Contact Energy
MarketWatch: Contact Energy - June 2009
MarketWatch: Contact Energy - Jan 2009
Contact Energy looks bright during dark times
Share Investor's 2009 Stock Picks
Follow the Monopoly Board

Discuss this stock at Share Investor Forum - Register free

Auckland Airport Ltd

Auckland International Airport [AIA.NZX] Really is an exceptional stock it has returned me over 1400 per cent.

That is in the past.

We need to look towards the future and the future looks incredibly bright.

Years and years of uncluttered growth, unhampered by competition.

That what I like is the fact that the Airport doesn't have competition and won't have any competition while i'm alive.

Their latest profit result back in August was yet another stellar result and funnily enough the share price has retreated. 

I bought some more at around $7 bucks - $6.80 odd now that div's are included.

Its gone back to just above 6 bucks from a high it reached earlier in the year of $7.70 odd. Its currently trading around $6.50.

So you don't have to be Einstein to figure out you should be watching this closely hoping for some more weakness in the share price.

Watch for some weakness soon so get your finger ready to buy at anything under $6.50. 

I say soon but also watch for it to rise as stories come out in the media about the Airport being busy during holidays because that usually has the opposite effect.

Travel wisely.  

AIA @ Share Investor

AIA: To Buy Now Or Not To ?
Share Investor Q & A: Auckland Airport's Simon Moutter
Auckland Council look set for a Auckland Airport Takeover
Auckland City Council new AIA Policy Doc
Make me an offer I cant refuse: Auckland International Airport Ltd
Long Term View: Auckland International Airport
VIDEO - Simon Moutter on Australian Airport Purchase
Auckland Airport Capital Raising a fair call
Auckland International Airport lands Australian Ports
What Infratil sale of Auckland Airport stake means
Is another Auckland Airport bid likely under a business friendly Government?
Latest Airport coverage
Cullen's move on Auckland Airport has far reaching effects
Cullen's move on AIA tax plan Anti-Business
AIA profit stays grounded
Softening opposition to CPPIB bid for AIA
Directors of AIA bribe brokers not to sell
What is Auckland Airport worth to you?
Second bite at AIA by CPPIB might just fly
AIA new directors must focus on shareholders
Auckland Airport merger deal nosedives
The Canadians have landed
AIA incentive scheme must fly out the window
Government market manipulation over AIA/DAE deal
DAE move on AIA: Will it fly?

Queenstown Airport Buyout @ Share Investor

Queenstown Airport: Queenstown Airport Update
Auckland Airport CEO on Queenstown Airport Fracas
Queenstown Airport: Court Case looks set to Drag
Queenstown Airport: Loud Voices & Loyalty
Queenstown Airport: Air New Zealand's Crocodile Tears
Queenstown Airport: AIA purchase good Long-Term but will cost shareholders Short-Term

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Tourism Holdings Ltd

Tourism Holdings [THL.NZ] has been on my watch I list for about a year now.

I used to own it in the Portfolio but there a difference this time - now the Chinese are sniffing around.

They have bought up around 11% of the company over the last 2-3 months and my guess is that they will buy more.

Now this particular share isnt going to form part of The Share Investor Portfolio for too long - it is a speculative share.

I bought this particular share @ $5.03 and see some value in this all the way up to $5.53.

I intend to exit this share at around $6 so you should be watching for some weakness.

This particular share is open to move to all sorts of information that comes out in the media - like a lot of shares - but this one is particularly sensitive to monthly tourist numbers, petrol price rises, tourist taxes that sort of thing.

Buy carefully - just a few weeks back this share was going for $4.70-80 range so you could get it that low.

Whatever you feel comfortable with.

Tourism Holdings @ Share Investor

Share Price Alert: Tourism Holdings Ltd
Tourism Holdings worth more broken up
Long Term View: Tourism Holdings Ltd
2011 World Cup Fever

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EBOS Group Ltd

This particular stock has been on my radar for more than 10 years - its always been too "expensive".

I have never owned it.

And I want to own it because it is well run company with folk at the top truly believing that they are the best at what they do. 

Perhaps i should just plunk down some dosh when it gets slightly cheaper because it does from time to time come down in price by $1 here and there.

Perhaps I should wait for some financial crises - yes it will happen again - and that is probably what I will do.

Until then put this one on your watch list and wait - patiently.

EBOS @ Share Investor

Long Term View: EBOS Group Ltd

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Apple INC

stock chart

Apple is the stock that is most coveted in the World - simply because its worth the most.

That is simply the reason why the stock is a screaming buy.

It is the one reason Donald Trump probably will pass those tax cuts and this will allow mum and pop to get a share of the 10's of billions of dollars of money that Apple has stashed in accounts overseas.

The money is wanted by the shareholder, is demanded by some and is quite frankly needed by some folk who have been long suffering shareholders who have built this stock up to never before seen levels.

Without this "Trump" factor involved before Xmas - this stock wouldn't be here on this blog.

YUM! Brands Inc


Yum! really is the chicken that keeps on giving, splits then splits again and again.

This is largely a KFC holding company, although it also owns Pizza Hut and Taco Bell and a whole host of other restaurant concepts.

The growth in this company is largely put down to KFC's ambitions in China where they plan to have 10000 stores opened before too long.

This will be their biggest market and there is no doubt they can do it. 

The stock price will follow the fortunes of China and I think India as Yum! focuses on this geographical area.

Get this stock on any dips in price or wait for a brief downturn in business to make your move.


The most coveted thing is money - no doubt about it.

But the thing is you can do so much more than you doing now simply by putting some time and effort into taking care of what you earn, how you earn it and ultimately how you spend it.

I put this Share Investor Portfolio together every year In the hope that you, like me can be financially independent.

Good Luck.


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