If you haven't been buying stocks this year already, and you probably should have been because there were some relative bargains to be had, and you haven't spent all your moola before Christmas or in what are euphemistically and laughingly called in New Zealand the Boxing Day "sales" then heads up young shoppers!
The stockmarket is still here and is open today and some of us born capitalists are still interested in trading/investing.
A word to the wise, some good buys can be had on a day like today and over the coming stockmarket trading hours during the holidays.
This is because of the distortion of prices through low volumes offered and sold.
Some stocks are selling at prices way above pre-Christmas market closing and the inverse of this is true also.
Time to get off the couch, away from the pool or that woman in the bikini on the beach sitting next to you and get in front of the computer screen to have a look.
By the way and a small step away from this subject, Warren Buffett isn't going to retire in 2010. Doug Kass just has recognition hunger.
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Related Amazon Reading

Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America, Second Edition
The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America, Second Edition by Warren E. Buffett
Buy new: $26.10 / Used from: $33.05
Usually ships in 24 hours
c Share Investor 2009