Share Investor's 2012 Stock Picks
It is that time of the year, to pick stocks for 2011 and time for my stock picking monkey to come out of a self imposed 12 months hiatus for another stab at the stockmarket pages.
It is the 4th edition this year and once again impacted by looking after my 16 month old girl - she had no direct say in what the stock picking monkey chose for 2011 but will be encouraged to throw a dart or two at the end of 2011.
In the face of a continued global recession, an uncertain economic future that had a big impact at the end of 2009 and continues today 2011 might be be harder to pick than 2010.
2010 was a much better year for stocks than 2009, with stock prices overall coming well off 2009 lows.
Please keep in mind dear readers that the picks are my own and they reflect my investment philosophy and not necessarily anyone else's.
My picks are based on a long-term view, regardless of the current short to medium term market turmoil and economic uncertainty.
NB: Since I think most of my portfolio consist of the best stocks on the New Zealand market, I found it difficult to pick stocks outside my realm of self interest.
Share Investor's 2011 Stock Picks
Picks from the NZX
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
I will kick off my picks with a company that I still consider will be one of the big successes of the next 5-10 years and one I included in the 2008, 2009 & 2010 Share Investor stock picks, Fisher and Paykel Healthcare, the health care products provider.
I had it as a pick for 2010 and it is down around 20c from this time in 2010, so that makes it a better pick than last year considering its good long term prospects.
Company forecasts for the 2011 year are understandably sketchy because of the US dollar volatility but US revenues are set to grow significantly, as they have done for the past decade.
Any significant movement in the value of the NZ dollar means a substantial rise or fall in profit, as the bulk of company revenues are in the US dollar and 2011 half year profit results have been impacted significantly from the weakening US dollar.
Fisher's profits are largely immune from the current market turmoil as buyers simply have to have the products that the health care company makes regardless of a global recession.
A future global player in the sector they operate in.
Fisher & Paykel Heathcare @ Share Investor
Stock of the Week: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare & the US Dollar
Mondrian Investment Partners take stake in Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare: 2010 Full Year Profit rests on Foreign exchange movement
Long Term View: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Stock of the Week: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Analysis - Fisher & Paykel Healthcare: FY Profit to 31/03/09
Schroder Investment Management takes big Fisher & Paykel Healthcare stake
Long VS Short: Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Big Fisher & Paykel Healthcare trades a curious taleWhy did you buy that stock? [Fisher & Paykel Healthcare]
Drinking and Trading
Share Investor's 2008 stock picks
Fisher & Paykel: A tale of two companies
FPH downgrade masks good performance
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Disc I own FPH shares in the Share Investor Portfolio
Xero Ltd
It is presently building its customer base to get "critical mass".
The buzz in the tech industry surrounding Xero is reflected in the amount of support the company has from insiders and it could be well a big player in time to come. The company has had some significant financial backers from those who know Xero well but Mums and Dads are still largely absent from the shareholder register.
It has yet to make any money but is expected to break even in the latter half of 2011 and should start to see some profit in the next few years.
XRO is a little riskier than most investments and the share price has increased well over the latter part of 2010 so that risk increases slightly.
If the hype is only partially matched by concrete results this share will take off.
Xero @ Share Investor
Xero Ltd: 2011 HY Loss looking promising
From Xero to Hero?
Stock of the Day: Xero Ltd
Rod Drury ready for the long-haul with Xero
Share Investor Interview: Xero's Rod Drury
Xero Ltd: Download full Company Analysis
Rod Drury on Xero and Growing Business
Xero set for surprise to the Market?
Love Xero?
Share Investor's 2010 Stock Picks
Stock of the Week: Xero Ltd
Discuss Xero @ Share Investor Forum
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Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd
Sky City Entertainment has had a brilliant 2010, with a record FY 2010 profit at the hands of an inspirational leader and a number of strategies planned and executed to produce pleasing results for shareholders. Like 2009, the share price of the company has not however tracked its increased fortunes, plumbing the depths of below NZ$2.80 and settling of late in the low 3 dollar range. It looks to be good value as a result of this low share price relative to its prospects.
There is promise however for 2011. The Rugby World Cup will boost SKC's 4 Casinos and CEO Nigel Morrison has indicated double digit growth for FY 2011.
Buy on weakness if this company has already been in your sights.
Sky City Entertainment Group @ Share Investor
Failed Sky City bid for Christchurch Casino good news for Shareholders
Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd: Christchurch Casino bid falls short of Investment Criteria
Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd: Never mind the width feel the volume
Sky City Annual Meeting & 2011 - 2012 Profit Forecast
Stock of the Week: Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd
Sky City set to lose National Convention Centre bid
Sky City Entertainment Group: Australian Acquisition on the Cards?
Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd: 2010 Full Year Profit Analysis
Sky City Entertainment Group 2010 Full Year Profit Preview
Chart of the Week: Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd
Share Investor discusses Convention Centre proposal with CEO Nigel Morrison
Share Investor Q & A: Sky City CEO, Nigel Morrison
Sky City Entertainment: CEO Nigel Morrison discusses 2010 HY
Sky City Convention Centre Expansion a Money Loser: Part Two
Sky City Convention Centre Expansion a Money loser
Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd: Download full Company analysis
Sky City 2010 full year profit looking good
Long Term View: Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd
Sky City Entertainment: CEO Nigel Morrison discusses 2010 Half Year
Sky City Entertainment Group 2010 Interim Profit Review
Sky City to focus on Gaming
Sky City debts levels now more manageable
Insider Trading on Sky City shares
Sky City Profit Upgrade: Always on the Cards
Sky City's Current Cinema "Boom" a Horror Story in Disguise
Stock of the Week: Sky City Entertainment Group
Are Insiders selling Sky City Stock?
Sky City Entertainment 2009 Interim Result Preamble
2008 Sky City profit analysis
Sky City share offer confusing and unfair for smaller shareholders
Sky City Entertainment 2008 Full Year profit results , NZX release, 2008 full year presentation, result briefing webcast, financial statements
Sky City 2008 profit preamble
Sky City outlines a clear future plan
As recession bites Sky City bites back
Sky City Assets: Buy, sell and hold
Why did you buy that stock? [Sky City Entertainment]
Sky City Share Volumes set tongues wagging
Sky City half year exceptional on cost cutting
NZX Press release: Sky City profit to HY end Dec 2007
Sky City Cinemas no Blockbuster
Sky City Entertainment share price drop
New Broom set to sweep
Sky City Management: Blind, deaf and numb
Sky City sale could be off
Opposition to takeover
Premium for control
Sky City receives takeover bid
Sky City Casino Full Year Profit to June 30 2007
Setting the record straight
Sky City CEO resigns
Sky City Casino: Under performing
Sky City Casino 2007 HY Profit(analysis)
Sky City Casino 2007 HY Profit
Sky City Convention Centre @ Share Investor
Share Investor discusses Convention Centre proposal with CEO Nigel Morrison
Sky City Convention Centre Expansion a Money Loser: Part Two
Sky City Convention Centre Expansion a Money loser
SKC Convention Centre power-point slide illustrations & SKC submission to Auckland City Council
Discuss SKC @ Share Investor Forum
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Disc I own SKC shares in the Share Investor Portfolio
Charlies Group Ltd
The share price, at 17.5c, is almost 3x more than it was at its lowest level in 2010 but prospects for the company look good due to Australia.
Buy on thinly traded weakness.
Charlies Group @ Share Investor
Share Investor Q & A: Charlies Group CEO Stefan Lepionka
Chart of the Day: Charlies Group Ltd
Charlies Group: A Triumph of Style over Substance
Charlies juicing through Shareholder cash
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Michael Hill International Ltd
Michael Hill International has had a tough last couple of years but the most recent result has been pleasing to say the least.
It has largely put the cost of its expansion in North America behind it by closing a number of stores and consolidating in Chicago and seeing how things go there before further mainland USA expansion.
It has done reasonably well in its main markets in Australasia but Canada remains weak.
The share price has gained more than 30% since I picked it in the 2010 Share Investor Stock Picks but MHI still remains a good long term investment with good growth potential and business fundamentals.
Disc I own MHI shares in the Share Investor Portfolio
Michael Hill International @ Share Investor
October 2010 Top Stock: Michael Hill International Ltd
Michael Hill International: Is Kim Kardashian the right fit?
Michael Hill International: Tall Tales & Rumours
Hill Family makes Claytons Takeover bid for Michael Hill International
Michael Hill International Ltd: 2010 Full Year Profit Analysis
Long Term View: Michael Hill International Ltd
Michael Hill International: 2010 half year profit commentary
Michael Hill Makeover kicks off
Michael Hill International: 2009 full year profit commentary
Toughen Up: What I have learned from the hard times
Stock of the Week: Michael Hill International
Michael Hill TV3 60 Minutes Interview
Long VS Short: Michael Hill International
Marketwatch: Michael Hill International
Michael Hill's profit shines
Michael Hill takes on the windy city
Why did you buy that stock? [Michael Hill International]
MHI has defined growth strategy
MHI profit sparkles
Discuss MHI @ Share Investor Forum
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New Zealand Refining Ltd
Those higher oil prices will see this stock rise and it has already and the oil price rise has been a significant one. It has been mainly due to a very cold Northern Winter bumping up all sorts of petrochemical products so it is unclear just how sustainable the oil price rise will be. Having said that the recent rise is bound to gain some traction even when the Northern ice melts away and 2011 rolls along.
Look for an increased dividend in 2011 as profit increases that will underpin a good share price rise from current levels.
NZR @ Share Investor
Stock of the Week - Reprise: NZ Refining Ltd
Chart of the Week: New Zealand Refining Ltd
Stock of the Week: NZ Refining Ltd
Discuss NZR @ Share Investor Forum
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New Zealand Oil & Gas Ltd
The Pike River Coal Mine disaster has provided an opportunity for investors to get this stock relatively cheap considering it has a reasonable volume of oil and gas left to pull out of the ground and several drilling prospects on the boil.
The fact that global oil prices per barrel are rising and should pass US$100 will give Oil & Gas the impetus to get more out of the ground and return some higher margins for their products.
The only drawback is a relatively high Kiwi/US dollar cross but the Kiwi seems to have peaked out late 2010 as the dire state of our economy and deficits become clearer.
Watch for a good bounce in profit for 2011 as a result of these favourable key points come together.
NZ Oil & Gas @ Share Investor
NZ Oil & Gas Ltd: Impacted by Pike River Coal
Long Term View: NZ Oil & Gas Ltd
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Other Notable Quotables
Kathmandu Holdings Ltd [KMD.NZX] A retailer currently under pressure. Value below NZ$1.50.
Port of Tauranga Ltd [POT.NZ] New Zealand's leading port company with good upside on increased exports and a good dividend. Best managed port in New Zealand with the best long term prospects.
Auckland International Airport Ltd [AIA.NZX] A good monopoly at historically cheap prices, doing marginally better in 2010 and set to pick up profit in 2011.
Telecom NZ Ltd [TEL.NZX] Value in the company as a hedge against investment inflation. Dividends are over 10% net PA at current share prices (low NZ$2.10 - 2.20 range) and stock worth buying at these low levels for the return and a possible recovery in share price due to its participation in the high speed fibre roll-out and subsequent business around that.
Fisher & Paykel Appliances Ltd [FPA.NZX] has an outside chance of coming right in 2011 if the housing market starts to show some growth and its relatively low share price is a good entry point for a company still in transition from a monopoly to a more competitive model of doing business.
Tatts Group Ltd [TTS.ASX]
Tabcorp Holdings Ltd [TAH.ASX]
Reef Casino Trust[RCT.ASX]
All Australian casino companies under pressure with sluggish returns and relatively low share prices and ripe for mergers and acquisitions. Possible suitor, Sky City Entertainment Group Ltd [SKC.NZX] that is doing well , has low debt levels and access to over a billion NZ dollars in borrowing facilities and could easily find more if needed.
A pick from 2010, Yum ! Brands Inc [YUM.NASDAQ] A target of 10% sales growth for 2010-2011 after a 15% plus profit growth in 2010 and more good growth to come from China & India make this company a finger Lickin proposition.
Conclusion & Outlook for 2011
2011 may well be a year of marking time for global stockmarkets. As uncertainty surrounds the fragile state of many economies. The big gains made on stockmarkets in 2010 could materialize for some as nervousness over the aforementioned leaves them to take cash off the table. I think there is more bad news in relation to the global economy to come, but that is only my opinion.
That aside if you can, some listed companies have done well in 2010 and will continue to do so in 2011 but others will find the going tough as cash flow dries up, debt mounts and interest rates bite.
If there is no upturn in the economy, stockmarket share price weakness will have me poised to buy further shares in some of the companies I own in the Share Investor Portfolio with surplus cash of over $16,000.00 in dividends rather than with borrowed funds. I am looking at buying more Fisher and Paykel Healthcare Ltd [FPH.NZX] shares should the share price fall and The Warehouse Group Ltd [WHS.NZX] is on my radar again after a recent share price correction.
Remember, the stocks I have picked above are based on my investment criteria and may not fit yours and of course you could have a different opinion. I would love to hear your opinion and any picks you may have.
Have a look at what I have to say, take it on board or not and then do your own research to see if you might agree with me.
Lastly, I wish you all good luck and a prosperous 2011, we could all use it!
**Just an added footnote. Please feel free to post your own stock picks for 2011. The only requirement is that you say why and declare any financial interest. Post them below at the bottom of this piece or click here.
Disc I own FPH, WHS, SKC, MHI, AIA, shares in the Share Investor Portfolio.
Share Investor's Annual Stock Picks
Share Investor's 2012 Stock Picks
Share Investor's 2010 Stock Picks
Share Investor's 2009 Stock Picks
Share Investor's 2008 stock picks
Brokers 2011 Stock Picks
c Share Investor 2010 & 2011