Please keep in mind that just like my picks there maybe some financial interest involved in picking them, there usually is, but in my case I disclose whether I have a holding in any of the stocks that I have picked. It is not clear from the NZ Herald article from where these picks originate as to whether the brokers have holdings or not. One would assume they did but they could of course just be theoretical selections.
* Auckland Airport
* Contact Energy
* Fletcher Building
* Westpac Banking Corporation
* Henderson TR Pacific
Hamilton Hindin Greene
* Pyne Gould Corporation
* Ryman Healthcare
* Sky City Entertainment
* Tower Corporation
* Westpac Banking Corporation
First NZ Capital
* Contact Energy
* Kathmandu
* Opus International Consultants
* Nuplex
Goldman Sachs & Partners
* Infratil
* Kathmandu
* Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
* Mainfreight
* Sky Television Network
McDouall Stuart
* Diligent
* Fletcher Building
* Infratil
* Michael Hill
* Ryman Healthcare
Forsyth Barr
* Delegat's
* Infratil
* Guinness Peat Group
* Sky City Entertainment Group
* Pumpkin Patch
* Sky Television Network
* New Zealand Oil and Gas
* Kathmandu
* Restaurant Brands
* Skellerup
12 months to December 10, 2010
* Subsequent to cut off point for the competition Pike River Coal has gone into receivership and been suspended
First NZ Capital
* Nuplex NPX 47.4%
* Tower TWR 11.6%
* Restaurant Brands RBD 82.2%
* The Warehouse WHS 1.1%
* Opus International OIC 25.3%
* Total 33.5%
ASB Securities
* Sky TV SKT 9.6%
* F&P Healthcare FPH -0.7%
* Pumpkin Patch PPL -12.0%
* Methven MVN 8.1%
* Auckland Airport AIA 16.1%
* Total 4.2%
Goldman Sachs JBWere
* Mainfreight MFT 40.6%
* Methven MVN 8.1%
* Infratil IFT 21.4%
* F&P Healthcare FPH -0.7%
* Nuplex NPX 47.4%
* Total 23.4%
Craigs Investment Partners
* Ryman Healthcare RYM 11.0%
* F&P Healthcare FPH -0.7%
* Freightways FRE 4.5%
* SkyCity SKC 1.7%
* Templeton Emerging Markets TEM 20.9%
* Total 7.5%
Hamilton Hindin Greene
* Fletcher Building FBU 5.0%
* NZ Oil & Gas NZO -44.1%
* Pyne Gould Corp PGC -12.7%
* Rakon RAK 2.6%
* Tower TWR 11.6%
* Total -7.5%
Forsyth Barr
* Auckland Airport AIA 16.1%
* Contact Energy CEN 12.3%
* PGG Wrightson PGW -20.0%
* GPG GPG -3.5%
* Delegat's DGL -19.8%
* Total -3.0%
McDouall Stuart
* NZ Oil & Gas NZO -44.1%
* Pike River Coal* PRC -77.5%
* Ryman Healthcare RYM 11.0%
* Michael Hill Jeweller MHI 36.5%
* Diligent DIL 93.5%
* Total 3.9%
Disclosure : I own MFT, FPH, RYM, PPL, FBU, WHS, SKC, MHI, AIA, shares in the Share Investor Portfolio.
Share Investor's Annual Stock Picks
Share Investor's 2011 Stock Picks
Share Investor's 2010 Stock Picks
Share Investor's 2009 Stock Picks
Share Investor's 2008 stock picks
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