Sunday, August 15, 2010

Michael Laws: Vile Hooker Controversy

I mostly like Michael Laws, talkback host on Radio Live and Wanganui Mayor and most of what he says I can agree with.

He is bizarre at times but hell who isn't and some of things he says can be outrageous to some but you get that when you speak your mind.

The controversy that kicked off this week when he came out and defended sexual texts that were made between him and former druggie and prostitute Jacqueline Sperling (she says that is in the past) and that have or are going to be made public by the media is a little confusing to this poor soul.

What the hell has he done wrong?

Between consenting adults surely?

This individual is clearly after her 15 seconds of fame and doesn't care who she hurts on the way down.

He is in the public eye but is so for his work as a mayor and talk-back host. His private life should be left private unless it has bearing on his public office, is illegal or newsworthy in a significant way.

For rags like and the Herald to plaster this stuff all over their front pages is salacious and tabloid and is merely trying to go where some trashy blogs (not mine of course) have gone -straight to the toilet to get readers.

These papers maybe struggling to survive and make money but surely there is a need for quality rather than the filthy shite being peddled by the likes of Ms Sperling and served up by the failing aforementioned media.

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