Saturday, August 16, 2008

2008 Election outcome

Going by the latest political polls and the trend of others over the last year, it looks like National will get the bulk of the vote by far at the coming election. The poll trend of National being way ahead of Labour has continued in the two latest polls this weekend and is likely to be reinforced by a TV One Colmar Brunton Poll out tonight.

All the fear mongering and finger pointing over a "return to the 1990s and selling taxpayer assets" by Clark and her socialist misfits just hasn't helped them. Most of us can see past that as the lie that it is and a large bulk of voters are too young to remember the when New Zealand had to sell its assets to say afloat.

Don't count your chickens though if you are a National voter and hoping they will deservedly govern alone. Remember we have a bizarre voting system called MMP.

At current polls, if Labour was to get around 35% of the vote and National was down to about 50% the smaller parties that currently support Labour could get another Labour Minority government by a whisker and given what Ms Clark would have to bribe Winston, the Greens and the Maori Party with to get their support, New Zealand would be in for some even dodgier legislation passed than we have already seen over the last 9 years.

Labour are going to pull out the mother of all bribes shortly before the election so I think a close race is on the cards, with National having a slight edge.

Fairfax Nielson Poll: 16 August 2008
Roy Morgan Poll: 15 August 2008

c Political Animal 2008

Winnie the Blogger

Apparently Winston Peters has been blogging. Now I don't know if it is him that personally writes his blog but it certainly contains some of Winnie's hallmark victim mentality, invective and characteristic silliness and chips on both shoulders over his media coverage.

An excerpt from Winnie the Blogger as opposed to Winnie from Wonderland:

Winston Says...

…people ask “what’s up with New Zealand media?”…

It’s a good question.

In recent weeks, we have witnessed one of the most systematic and dirtiest smear campaigns in the history of New Zealand politics. And many media outlets and their journalists have been either wittingly or unwittingly complicit. The near hysteria with which some journalists and right-wing blog sites have written about these allegations and back-slapped each other is almost laughable. The fact remains that nothing outside the laws has occurred involving New Zealand First.

Many journalists have lost their perspective on these matters. At a time when the economy is very likely in recession, when we’ve had winter storm after winter storm, when petrol prices have soared, finance companies have collapsed, many families are struggling , the headlines have been full of slurs and downright lies about New Zealand First. Journalists need to get back in touch with what is truly important in this country.

Peters goes on to support his railing against mainstream media and "right wing blogs" by using tired old political hack Tom Frewen and the creator of Dilbert as support for his views against "foreign ownership" and media bias.

Same old shite, just a different day.

What we really need to know old wise one, who is funding your blog?

Related Political Animal reading

POLITICAL POLL: Peters gone in Tauranga
Don't let the bastard go
Winston Peters lost in Wonderland
Winston's big Baubles

Related Links

Winston's Blog

c Political Animal 2008

POLL: Fairfax Nielson 16 August 2008

National leader John Key's honeymoon with voters is starting to look like a very comfortable marriage.

National has barely budged from governing-alone territory in our Fairfax Media-Nielsen poll - last November being the previous occasion when it dipped below 50 per cent.

Labour's situation may not yet be irredeemable - it will be heartened that, on this result, it is within cooee of the 39 per cent of the vote it gained in 1999 to win the election. It won in 2002 with 41.2 per cent of the vote and in 2005 with 41.5 per cent.

But the numbers don't tell the full story - and comparisons to dog tucker are becoming harder to dodge.

In 1999, 2002 and 2005, Labour won against a diminished National Party and though its poll ratings appear to be holding up, that has come at the expense of the minor parties - not National.


Fairfax Nielson Poll: 19 July 2008
Fairfax Neilson Poll: 21 June 2008
Fairfax Neilson Poll: 17 May 2008
Fairfax Neilson Poll: 23 Feb 2008

c & Political Animal 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008

Woolworths to seek leave to appeal to Supreme Court

As I tipped yesterday, and the first scoop for The Share Investor Blog, the decision for either Woolworths Australia[WOW:ASX] or Foodstuffs to make an appeal to the Supreme Court to challenge the decision made in the Court of Appeal was imminent, little did I know it was going to be announced an hour ago.

Woolworths announced this afternoon that they would seek leave from the Supreme Court to appeal the decision made against them and Foodstuffs in the Appeal Court 11 working days ago.

The Commerce Commission's Paula Rebstock will be positively apoplectic with rage and will fight this hard in the Supreme Court in Wellington.

Woolworths making the announcement is significant because they appear to be the most likely winner in a all out bidding war should the Warehouse be allowed to sold.

Woollies have the deepest pockets and today they are showing how aggressive they can be by being first out of the gate to inform the market that they are going all the way.

Given the hard edged nature of their business practice across the Tasman it is my opinion that they will be the owner of the Warehouse in due course.

The Warehouse @ Share Investor

When will The Warehouse bidders make their move?

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Warehouse bidders ready to lay money down
The Warehouse set to cut lose "extra" impediment
Warehouse appeal decision imminent
Warehouse decision a loser for all
Warehouse Court of appeal decision in Commerce Commission's favour
MARKETWATCH: The Warehouse
The Warehouse takeover saga continues
Why did you buy that stock? [The Warehouse]
History of Warehouse takeover players suggest a long winding road
Court of Appeal delays Warehouse bid
The Warehouse set for turbulent 2008
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WHS Court of Appeal case could be dismissed next week
Commerce Commission impacts on the Warehouse bottom line
The Warehouse in play
Outcomes of Commerce Commission decision
The fight for control begins soon

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The Warehouse Financial Data

Related Amazon Reading

Wal-Smart: What It Really Takes to Profit in a Wal-Mart World
Wal-Smart: What It Really Takes to Profit in a Wal-Mart World by William H. Marquard
Buy new: $19.46 / Used from: $0.92
Usually ships in 24 hours

c Share Investor 2008 & 2009