Sunday, November 2, 2008

Political Animal Blog ranks

The latest Tumeke Political Blog rankings are out and the Political Animal Blog has moved up another 7 places. This survey is for the month of September.

#58 (+7) Political Animal :
08/2007+ "NZ politics is dirty"
Darren Rickard : Right - ? : Auckland
nz8,263 * 2,085,355 : c.60 + 14 + 25 + 5 = 104 (-5)
[65,76,80,100+,new] [109,77,74,37,new]

Nice going but October has seen an almost triple in visitor numbers to the site and I suspect that is because of the coming election.

Only six more sleeps!

Thanks for reading.


Related Political Animal reading

c Political Animal 2008

Obama set to spread socialisms evil curse

It looks like the United States is moving towards electing Barack Obama on November 4.

But realists like me live in hope that this nightmare doesnt eventuate.

Forget about him being a "black" man because if you go the race way you ignore the other half of his heritage, which is Caucasian. 

He is coloured if you want to go down that track and many from the left of the political sphere seem to want to revel in the nonsense that is his racial background.

If Obama is elected Americans will be electing an individual with little experience, with platitudes for policy and with an academic background, rather than any practical experience in life.

For goodness sake, writing a couple of  poorly constructed and factually fanciful books doesn't qualify you to run the most important democracy on the planet.

The largest contribution that Obama will make to the United States will be his strong Socialist streak.

As a President Obama will be focusing on bringing back big Government.

It wont happen overnight but it will creep ever so slowly across the nation.

Obama will use higher taxes for those that earn more to re-distribute to those he sees as fit to get the proceeds.

This money will be in the form of welfare; new State benefits involving housing, education, welfare for workers, hand-outs to all those that didn't earn the money in the first place.

Those of us in New Zealand know how this has affected us over the last nine years of Helen Clark's Labour Government.

We know the creeping face of Socialism and its associated welfare thrust in New Zealand has caused poverty, higher crime, poorer education outcomes, child killings and of course a disintegration of personal responsibility and a lowering of standards right across the board.

America is a proud capitalist nation and its history of democracy and freedom is at dire risk with Obama the Socialist at the helm.

That is no more apparent when it comes to his appeasement attitude to Americans natural enemies, enemies that from history have always wanted America wiped from the face of the earth and will never change that view-he wants to reason with these people, reason with madmen?!!


It isn't just Americas safety at risk of course when it comes to its defence security. Barack Chamberlains appeasement attitude to enemies will see that as weak and attack anyway and it puts the worlds security at risk.

To elect a man simply because you think you "need a change" or because the colour of his skin appeals to you is simply ignoring basic facts.

What about the mans substance, his record and his plan to make Socialism the centre of his administration should we be unlucky enough to have him foisted upon us by mung bean eating, Kumbya singing democrats.

Kick this faux darkie to the curb.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Key VS Clark: Principles

John Key's politically savvy decision to put Winston Peters in his place a few months back and refuse to do a post election deal with him should be seen by the wider voting public for what it is.

Highly principled.

Peters has been embroiled in scandal, paybacks and political corruption-just like his senior partner in government, the Labour Party-and the latest detail out today about the Vela Family donations to Winnie only vindicate Key's initial move.

The decision will do well for Key come polling day but we know he didn't do it purely for political reasons because he may need a support partner after grabbing the majority of votes on Saturday November 8. 

He has said he would rather not form a Government by relying on a corrupt individual for votes in the house but that is the price that one pays for having principles.

Helen Clark on the other hand has refused to sack Peters, leaving him in some sort of limbo land of Wonderland purgatory, where he somehow gets to keep his baubles while not having his position of responsibility.

Serious issues surround her Minister but she refuses to budge. The latest Vela revelations out today will no doubt be more of the same for her.

Hold on to absolute power at all costs and try and retain it, at all costs again, even if that means using taxpayer money to illegitimately smear your opposition, then lie about your involvement.

It is political pragmatism at best and political corruption at worst. Something that out Prime Minister has perfected over the last 9 years.

This is what intelligent people will see as a lack of principle from our Prime Minister. Her standards are low and therefore her principles simply reflect that.

An interesting contrast to John Keys highly moral and principled stand.

c Political Animal 2008

Winnie choppers in

Additional information and evidence about the Vela Family donations to Winston Peters has been published today by the Dom Post.

The following is an extract from a conversation transcribed by Ross Meurant. It is between himself and Winston Peters. Meurant was Peters lobbyist at the time of this conversation.

Mr Meurant said Mr Vela had friends who might not like seeing Mr Peters in the Vela helicopter, to which he says Mr Peters responded: "Tell him to hire me an unmarked helicopter. So I can paint it black/white and NZ First. Then I can drop into small rural towns and schools."

On October 28 and 29, Mr Peters called Mr Meurant wanting the helicopter, the documents show. They include a transcript Mr Meurant made of the second call.

Mr Peters: Meurant, tell those bastards I need a helicopter. Don't give me this crap about the machine needing repairs.

Mr Meurant: Come on, Winston, he has offered you his pilot. That's a grand a week ... he has personal reasons for not giving you his machine. He socialises with people who hate you.

Mr Peters: You gotta do better than that, Meurant. Don't these people know how dangerous I can be [laughs]. [Mr Peters then says something to effect of Mr Vela having been saved millions in tax liability by Mr Peters.]

Mr Meurant: Come on, he is the only guy to give you funding.

Mr Peters: I have other funding. Don't you worry about that.

Mr Meurant: Okay, you know how much, but Vela has given you 20 grand and, as I have just told you, has confirmed the other 30 grand. What he has said to me is tell you to spend some of the 30 on a helicopter and use his pilot for free. More from

Ain't it great to have friends in high places.

c Political Animal 2008