Monday, February 16, 2009

Fletcher House is built on hard times

Fletcher Building Ltd [FBU.NZ] will be one of the biggest recipients of the New Zealand Government pulling out all the stops to get infrastructure built to "stimulate" the economy and whatever your political views on Government economic stimulus', as a shareholder you would have to be pretty pleased with taxpayer dollars coming Fletcher's way.

Fletcher Building made much of the fact earlier this week when releasing their latest profit result that they are now celebrating their 100 year anniversary.

This is clearly significant because over this time the company has weathered countless recessions, a depression and two world wars.

During the Great Depression, Fletcher Building constructed buildings such as the Auckland Civic Theatre, The Auckland University Arts Building and Wellington Railway Station.

In the late 1930s Fletcher's mobilised themselves quickly enough to become the dominant force in the newly created "government housing" sector and when WW2 hit they ameliorated raw material supply problems somewhat by simply manufacturing their own building products.

My point is here that they manged to get through the depression, so far the worst economic downturn in living memory, there is no reason to believe that they cant do the same during this big downturn.

As at 6:15 pm, 13 Feb

To a certain extent the bad times have made the company what it is now and as history repeats itself Fletchers are set to build from this once again and move towards another upturn.

I have pointed out before that every cloud has a silver lining and in Fletcher's case it is infrastructure.

Even before the big downturn that started in September 2008 and the recession that bit in New Zealand in January 2008, Fletchers had a massive backlog of commerical and infrastucture building on their books.

Thanks to cash being thrown at infrastructure in New Zealand, Australia, America and other markets that they operate in, that list of infrastructure is going to grow.

In fact Fletcher Building is somewhat of a barometer when it comes to the health of the economy as a whole.

Building companies are the first to feel the effects of a downturn and the first to show the inevitable turnaround.

Fletcher Building's profit announcement last week was as expected, marked down, and the outlook for the next year looks uncertain at the moment but as I said earlier the money being thrown around in Fletcher Buildings operating markets looks set to push them through the hard times.

Fletcher Building @ Share Investor

Fletcher Building down tools in the short term
Why did you buy that stock? [Fletcher Building Ltd]
A solid foundation for the future
Fletcher Building raises profit through canny management
Fletcher's got game

Related Reading

Fletcher Building History - Auckland University

Celebrating 100 Years of Fletcher
From neighbourhoods to nations
Click here to learn more about our heritage

Fletcher Building Financials

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The Great Crash of 1929

The Great Crash of 1929 by John Kenneth Galbraith
Buy new: $9.71 / Used from: $6.99
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c Share Investor 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Anti PC Hero: Murray Deaker

I have started a regular series called Dipshit of the Week and realise it is negative. The two previous winners of that were Greenpeace and Bob Harvey.

Many of the dipshit awards will be for PC nonsense.

This first in a positive series of Anti PC Hero will be awarded by my good self for individuals and groups who go beyond the call of duty, in the face of unpopularity, with the mung bean eating, tree hugging, whale loving, hairy arm pitted, homo/Lesbian, Maaaori worshipping, Labour/Green voting, kaftan wearing, chardonnay drinking, Prius driving, Global Warming loving, Al Gore types, who try to wipe the floor with their own form of Anit-PC Wet and Forget.

The inaugural winner is Murray Deaker, for risking the ire of his fellow broadcasters and those in the media who will give him hell over the next few weeks for employing Tony Veitch on one of his Sky TV sports shows this Wednesday.

What Veitch did or did not do certainly didn't deserve the treatment he has been handed out by his former employer TVNZ ,the rest of the PC media and the chromosome defficient Ugly Wimins movement.

I'm no big fan of his, I think he is a brain dead moron, but he deserves to work and Deaker is a pure saint for allowing him to.

Good on ya Deaks.

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Facts Need Not Be In Evidence: The Politically Correct's 'Social Fascist' War On Classic Whig LiberalismFacts Need Not Be In Evidence: The Politically Correct's 'Social Fascist' War On Classic Whig Liberalism by Craig P Boulton 
Buy new: $19.95 / Used from: $12.52
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c Political Animal 2009

CSPAN: House & Senate Pass Final Version of 2009 Stimulus Bill (Full Debate & Transcript of Bill)

There is no accounting for stupidity but the Democrats have just passed the final version of the latest US "stimulus" package. Just like the last one it will not work but will in fact make things worse in the future.

Nevertheless, it is an important bill and should be given at least a cursory glance by most of us. Americans and outsiders as well.

It will effect us all.

Here you will find both debates on Video and full text of the bill. Links are below the following video.

Read/Watch it and weep.

Senate debate on Stimulus Bill

House & Senate Pass Stimulus Bill

The House and Senate passed H.R. 1, the $787 billion economic stimulus bill. It now moves to the President, where he is expected to sign it early in the week.
Washington, DC

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$700 Billion Bailout: The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act and What It Means to You, Your Money, Your Mortgage and Your Taxes

$700 Billion Bailout: The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act and What It Means to You, Your Money, Your Mortgage and Your Taxes by Paul Muolo
Buy new: $8.97 / Used from: $1.95
Usually ships in 24 hours

c Political Animal 2009

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The Definition of Insanity

The definition of insanity is, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein

I have been mulling this opinion over for the last few months and think it is valid, simple and has a charming sort of 3rd form economics (14 yr old thinking for my foreign readers) approach to things.

Here goes.

Just what do Barrack Obama, Gordon Brown, Kevin Rudd and a whole host of other world leaders know that we don't?

I would argue, when it comes to the large sums of taxpayer dollars these imbeciles are doling out quicker than a rotund Wall Street banker in quicksand, that our leaders know very little indeed.

The answer to the Albert Einstein quandary is quite simple really and not as complex as those who dare to represent us might make out.

Why would one hand out very large sums of borrowed money to citizens to spend and "stimulate" economies when it is that very thing that got the globe and especially North America, in the proverbial in the first instance!

We must do the very opposite to this.

While not stopping spending entirely in the German or Japanese extreme, the answer to our current problems is to save.

Well duh !

Sufficient savings allows us to actually give us a real sense of wealth, rather than the plastic fantastic kind that contributed to this mess. That has to be paid back at some time and that time I would argue is now.

It is the same for individuals, business, large corporations and countries.

This is where reality and fantasy go in polar opposite directions and will probably have serious consequences somewhere else in the future.

What happens if you pile this much debt on top of debt to spend your way out of a problem caused by debt?

Well, eventually you have to pay that debt back.

So what Obama, Rudd, Brown et al are doing is postponing the inevitable and when that time comes the problem will be oh so more dire than it is currently.

Perhaps young Albert had something when he uttered those famous words that I posted above.

Here is another poignant ditty to end the lesson:

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction". Albert Einstein

Sorry for the complexity of my simplicity but it had to be said.

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c Share Investor 2009