1. a sum of money demanded by a government for its support or for specific facilities
or services, levied upon incomes, property, sales, etc.
2. a burdensome charge, obligation, duty, or demand.
So you you see I have underlined one word in the definition of tax. It is money demanded by Govt.
I mention this because just yesterday the Govt. released figures showing New Zealand Inc had $3.7 Billion left over after costs (more taxes)were taken away from revenue (even more taxes) for the preceding year.
Now what you have is a struggle of ideas from 2 main camps. (as well as some others that have Contact Energy holders laughing) One; National, that would kinda be plain sailing - still overspending our tax. Two; Labour that would introduce a wealth of taxes, water, capital gains and a whole host of others just to pay for the extra spending they have promised.
What about us?
The demands, (there's that word again) that are placed upon the workers in this country increasingly get more and more each and every year.
AND it has to stop.
From the individual who earns the minimum wage right up to those who pay the most tax and will pay more under Jacinda Adern.
We want our ***ken money back.
We earnt it. We should decide where it will go.
So when you go to vote in about 4 weeks time. Think about it.
Don't be so selfish and go after the party the promises you the most - they probably wont deliver - Especially if they are left of centre.
Vote for somebody that will give as much of your money back as possible.
It is after all your money.
Demand it.
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c Share Investor 2017