Coming mid-way through the earnings period with about 3 months till the new reporting season kicks off there are 3 stocks in the Share Investor Portfolio that are worth a perusal because reporting for them kicks off on the 20th of this month with Ryman Healthcare RYM , Mainfreight MFT on the 26 th and Fisher & Paykel FPH on the 27 th.
Ryman is looking good for a slice of the retirement sector action, they started the listed sector, it is they continue to lead with units built, and of course they are by far the largest retirement sector group in New Zealand.
They could actually pull off a coup this May announce a share split. Something they did about 10 years ago. They needn't split in my humble opinion but there you go management seem to like that sort of thing.
If they don't split now they will do so in November.
Mainfreight could well transport some of Rymans tools of the trade like timber and concrete.
It is also finished at an all-time high of $16.77 on Friday, a barometer for the economy as a whole Mainfreights share price tends to reflect what is happening in the economy right now and right now the economy is hot.
All signs are pointing to a record profit, with a spread of global investments paying off, Mainfreight is ready to expand without spending anymore but guess what they are spending more and that is again going to lead to more expansion along the way.
Fisher & Paykel is a stock now that is ranked either one or two depending on what the market is doing on a day to day basis. At present it is ranked number two with Fletcher Building number one. This will of course all change over the next couple of years as the price of Fisher outpaces Fletchers with Fisher about $1.80 in 2012 and Fletcher's around $5.50 vs today's price of around $8.40 from memory.
Fishers is headed to a record profit this May and its share price will doubtless head up past the $10 mark and above and one wonders why the hell nobody has yet held out $ US10 billion or so to take this company within their fold.
These little 3 shares in my portfolio are among the best performing of the 9 that make up the Share Investor Portfolio.
I cant wait until the 20th.
P.S. Anyone who wants to train for the Auckland Marathon this October can! Train with me. If you are interested and hopefully live in the Albany Auckland area. Give me a buzz @ shareinvestornz@gmail.com
Links to Extra Reading on RYM, MFT, FPH
![]() | Think Bigger: How to Raise Your Expectations and Achieve Everything by Michael Hill |
c Share Investor 2016
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