Ahh, Tony Veitch has had his 15 minutes of fame and now its back to politics for Journos at the NZ Herald.
Winston "Baubles" Peters has probably been caught our lying, again. When evidence uncovered in emails from John Glenn suggest that Peters got secret donations from him. This was in addition to hushed donations made by Glenn to the Labour Party before and after the 2005 election.
Peter's denials of such donations previously were strident and to the point. NO he didn't get money from Glenn.
Controversy over theft 0f $158,000 of taxpayers money still surrounds Peters and his party. He still refuses to pay it back from where it came. The taxpayer.
Ahh, come back Tony all is forgiven.
5:00AM Saturday July 12, 2008
By Audrey Young

Photo / Mark Mitchell
Controversy over secret political funding is likely to be reignited by private emails that suggest Labour's biggest donor also gave money to NZ First.
The emails suggest repeated denials by Foreign Minister Winston Peters that his New Zealand First Party received a donation from businessman Owen Glenn appear to be incorrect.
A private email from Mr Glenn to his public relations man in New Zealand says he did give the party a donation.
Mr Peters was last night sticking by his story, saying through a spokesman that Mr Glenn had not given the party money - "he did not" - but he refused any other comment.
The conflicting stories raise credibility issues, as Mr Peters produced a large "NO" sign at a press conference soon after questions of a donation to his party arose.
ContinuedRelated Political Animal reading
Snouts in the trough bent out of shape
The Owen Glenn story: Singing the same tune but hitting a bum note
Labour Party Election funding murky at best
c Political Animal 2008
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