Friday, October 31, 2008

CARTOON: Dumpster Diving

A classic cartoon from Tom Scott.

NEWSFLASH: Clark didnt fall, she was pushed

A fall that Helen Clark took last night was initially thought to be an accidental trip on something left on the floor of the coffee shop in which she tripped in.

Further investigation by the taxpayer funded Labour Party research unit overnight has revealed a different story.

A spokesperson for the research unit B.Sheehite has confirmed rumours that there was a interloper on a grassy knoll just outside of the video frame that captured the Prime Ministers fall/push.

Unconfirmed reports from Mr Sheehite is that an individual with an axe to grind pushed Helen Clark.

Further research has uncovered several possible suspects. 

Owen Glenn is number one on the list, John Key second and possibly any one of an approximate 3 million New Zealanders who are thinking of voting on November 8 2008 are also suspected.

Further research will be undertaken over the next week before the election to root out the actual pusher.

c Political Animal 2008

Quote of the day

Paul Holmes: "...why do you want a forth term?

Helen Clark: "...'cause I dont think my job is done..."

Sky City Grand Political Breakfast, Newstalk ZB ,  7.25 am 31 October 2008

HELEN CLARK FALL VIDEO: Did you enjoy your trip?

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Eventually Karma catches up on you.

I especially like the help she got from one her supporters. She reached out for him you stop her downwards momentum, you can see he felt sorry for a second because he was thinking of helping her but at the last minute decided to withdrawal.

A sign of what will happen on November 8? Who knows.

Its the funniest thing since I have seen since that execution video of Saddam Hussein and when a friend got mine got his sausage stuck in a Labour party voter.

The Labour conspiracy theory is that Clark was pushed.

A YouTube classic.

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c Political Animal 2008