Thursday, July 31, 2008

Winston isn't a conspiracy theorist: Yeah Right

From Whaleoil

Where's the proof? says Peters Video
Peters addresses allegations in Parliament Video

The Winston Peters saga keep rolling on and getting even worse for the great one.

In Parliament today he had a set to with Rodney Hide, questioning him at one point on the validity of a former girlfriend.

It really is embarrassing to see a member make a fool of himself so much but not think he is foolish in doing so.

There were more revelations today over undeclared donations back in 1999. This is in addition to a secret $100,000.00 plus gift from Owen Glenn, 10s of thousands from the Vela family and over 100,000.00 solicited by Peters from Sir Bob Jones.

Mad Hatter indeed.

Related Political Animal reading

Winston Peters lost in Wonderland
Winston Circus hangover continues
Discretion was the essential part of Vela Donation
Winston Peter's Glenn donation scandal: But wait, there is more!
Peter's hangs himself in February Paul Henry Interview
Peter's admits lying about Glenn donation
Winston's silence is telling
Labour gets tangled in Peter's lies
Leaked Glenn Email
Winston got secret donations from Owen Glenn
The Owen Glenn Story: Singing the same tune but hitting a bum note

c Political Animal 2008

Mikey loves Iti

c NZPA 2008

Much political capital was made last year by the Labour Party and mainstream media when John Key was seen to Hongi with Tama Iti. A criminal facing arms charges Labour called Iti, the John Key Hongi they said supported and legitimised a criminal.

What gives?

It doesn't really matter in the great scheme of things but Cullen especially, does have a record of saying and doing things after telling others they shouldn't.

Witness the meagre tax cuts he passed before the coming election. He has been saying for 9 years that the tax cuts that National have proposed were evidence of a morally bankrupt party and an "election bribe".

The Iti/Cullen love fest is just more of the same.

Can anyone tell me how you can recompense a party (buy maaaoorii votes) who didn't sign a contract(The Treaty of Waitangi) for perceived grievances related to that contract?

A contract these days it aint worth the paper it is written on(The Sonny B defence) and if you dont have a contract you get the benefits of having signed one anyway.

Ahh well, I might just sign up for that write off of $40000.00 in debt that Labour are contemplating, making it easier to break contracts with debtors.

Will someone gag me with a spoon, before socialism does.

c Political Animal 2008

Warehouse decision a loser for all

Discuss this company at the Share Investor Forum

In the absence of a detailed summary of the decision out today by the Court of Appeal to stymie a bid for The Warehouse by Foodstuffs or Woolworths Australia, I have to say I am surprised by the decision.

This from Paula Rebstock, Commerce Commission chairman

"New Zealand consumers know that more competition is needed in the supermarket sector. In coming to its decision to decline the acquisition the Commission considered that The Warehouse had already brought important new dimensions to supermarket competition, and potential competition, through its innovative supercentre stores."

What "new dimensions" have the Warehouse brought to Supermarket competition?

Answer? None.

It has 3 "Extra" format stores whose performance thus far has been underwhelming and its potential for the future is in doubt.

The Commerce Commission and Paula Rebstock have made a name for themselves over this appeal and it seems that was all this exercise has been about. Commercial realities have been left in the dust.

Either the legal team for the defence has lost an easily winnable case and or the Court of Appeal Judge is a knuckle dragging, dribble mouthed fool for making such an inconceivably out of touch decision.

Was the Judge off his medication that day?

That is the only conclusion that a sane individual can come to.

The Commerce Commission's legal team had only one string to their bow, the Warehouse Extra stores and their possible beneficial impact on grocery prices but they have no material influence in the supermarket sector and are unlikely to in the future. They have less than .05% of the grocery market.

Rebstock and her Commission have dragged this possible sale saga out for far too long, it has cost the three companies involved, the Kiwi taxpayer, The Warehouse,Foodstuffs and Woolworths shareholders and ultimately the New Zealand consumer.

Economies of scale can be brought to bear if one of the parties bought The Warehouse and that ultimately means cheaper grocery prices.

Unless a likely appeal to the Supreme Court is successful, New Zealand consumers will be the biggest losers.

Warehouse shares were down .60c to NZ$3.22 per share on 4.6 million shares today on the news.

Disclosure I own WHS shares

The Warehouse @ Share Investor

Long vs Short: The Warehouse Group
Warehouse bidders ready to lay money down
The Warehouse set to cut lose "extra" impediment
The Warehouse sale could hinge on "Extra" decision
The case for The Warehouse without a buyer
Foodstuffs take their foot off the gas
Woolworths seek leave to appeal to Supreme Court
Warehouse appeal decision imminent
Warehouse Court of Appeal decision in Commerce Commission's favour
Why did you buy that stock?[The Warehouse]
The Warehouse set for turbulent 2008
Commerce Commission makes a meal of Warehouse takeover
Warehouse Court of Appeal case lay in"Extras" hands
WHS Court of Appeal case could be dismissed next week
Borders decision an indicator of Warehouse takeover outcome
Commerce Commission impacts on the Warehouse bottom line
The Warehouse in play
Outcomes of Commerce Commission decision
The fight for control begins soon

Share Investor Forum-Discuss this topic

Related Links

The Warehouse Financial Data

Related Amazon reading

How Walmart Is Destroying America And The World: And What You Can Do About It

How Walmart Is Destroying America And The World: And What You Can Do About It by Bill Quinn
Buy new: $8.76 / Used from: $0.73
Usually ships in 24 hours

c Share Investor 2008 & 2009

Warehouse Court of Appeal decision in Commerce Commission's favour

8.58am The Court of Appeal has overturned the High Court's ruling allowing rival grocery firms to bid for The Warehouse[WHS] by Foodstuffs and Woolworths Australia.

The Commerce Commission case argued that if either Woolworths or Foodstuffs bought The Warehouse, it would result in a "substantial lessening of competition".

This was after the Commerce Commissions case was defeated in the High Court in 2007 and an appeal against that decision was lodged earlier this year.

Trading in The Warehouse shares was thin yesterday, July 30 (NZ time), and price movement was mildly upwards during intra day trading but finished flat, so no pre announcement indications could be gleaned from the markets.

The sale process began almost 2 years ago but has been stymied by the Commerce Commission due to their contention that a purchase of The Warehouse by either Foodstuffs or Woolworths would impact to the detriment of food consumers. The Warehouse, Foodstuffs and Woolworths all argue that The Warehouse food offerings are not significant or successful enough to warrant a Commerce Commission appeal

It is likely that Foodstuffs, Woolworths and The Warehouse will appeal the Court of Appeal's decision to the Supreme Court in Wellington.

The Warehouse @ Share Investor

Why did you buy that stock?[The Warehouse]
The Warehouse set for turbulent 2008
WHS Court of Appeal case could be dismissed next week
Commerce Commission impacts on the Warehouse bottom line
The Warehouse in play
Outcomes of Commerce Commission decision
The fight for control begins soon

Disc I own WHS shares

c Share Investor 2008
& Cartoon Emmerson 2008