Friday, September 12, 2008

Labour Party Blog gets a wedgie

The Labour Party Blog, The Standard, has got its panties caught in their crack because their Prime Minister Helen Clarks official Election announcement was leaked by them yesterday, in conjunction with an advertising campaign by them, to push a Labour re-election and then scooped by this blog yesterday at 4.45 pm. 

I then opened the leak further on NewstalkZB on Danny Watson's show to hundreds of thousands of listeners at 12.15pm this afternoon. 

Helen Clark of course made her announcement at 12.50 after a long winded political diatribe that started at 12.30 and curiously kept mentioning the word "honesty" -such a lonely word, as Billy Joel often says.

Apparently other blogs have been accurately guessing the date as well and Kiwiblog apparently picked the date back in September.

Hopefully The Standard is disclosing its spend on its advertising for the Labour Party and they wont break their own Electoral Finance Act, again.

Incidentally I picked Nov 15 over a year ago.

c Political Animal 2008

The Mad Greens!!

This movie isn't a spoof, it is about brainless greenies crying and wailing over dead trees.

This is pertinent to New Zealand because we have the same sort of zealots in the New Zealand Green Party who want more tax from you for your heathen polluting ways!

Jeanette Fitzsimmons and her Luddite mates spearheaded the Emissions Tax Act that was rushed through under urgency earlier this week. Those toss pots in Labour like Helen Clark and David Parker follow close behind in the Green agenda.

It is law passed to heap all sorts of eco taxes on Kiwis, because of the myth that "our planet is warming" and human beings are responsible-this is a bald faced lie.

The extra taxes mean thousands of dollars of extra tax for kiwis every year, a stagnant economy and eventual economic collapse when the carbon trading market is exposed for the fraud that it is.

Watch the video and remember when you are watching it that the New Zealand Green Party is just as mad and also remember that these creatures also want your vote this year.

Pleeeesssse don't do it.

c Political Animal 2008

Remembering 9/11

It was a scene that I will never forget, it is etched in my mind with the clarity of 5 minutes ago.

The sight of those planes flying into buildings that I had marvelled at since I was an 8 year old kid was a shock initially, then I couldn't stop crying for those poor souls trapped in the aftermath.

The feeling that I and most individuals had when they realised that this was actually real, it wasn't a movie and it was history unfolding before our very eyes, was one of disbelief.

Let us remember those who perished 7 years ago today in The World Trade Centre, the Pentagon and the innocent victims on the planes that were flown into those targets.

Most will be fondly remembered and missed dearly by those family members left behind and my thoughts are with you and with those that you lost.

Let us always remember the heroes and never ever forget the reason why so many died on that day.

Above all let us not live in fear of those that would try and do the same again.

Let us also remember those brave souls who have fought and died since that horrible day defending our freedoms.  

May the victims of the 9/11 mass-murder rest in peace.

c Political Animal 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

POLITICAL ANIMAL SCOOP: Election day date announced

In the first scoop for The Political Animal Blog, I can officially announce the date of New Zealand's 2008 Election.

The Labour Party Blog The Standard has just leaked the election day date, inadvertently one would think because Helen Clark, the Prime Minister, usually keeps a tight reign on these sorts of things.

Have a gander, sign up, use the resources at the Campaign Hub, or just get into it. It’s only 58 days until the election, make it count.

If my maths is correct that makes election day November 8.

A great distraction from the Owen Glenn donation political scandal that is currently facing Clark and Labour.

And "Steve Pierson" says the Blog is not Labours.

Yeah right!!

c Political Animal 2008