If you don't know already, there is a silent march against the anti democratic Electoral Finance Act to be led by John Boscowan, up Auckland's Queen Street today, March 9 2008.
Meet at 2.00pm outside the Town Hall and the march kicks off at 2.30pm and continues to Britomart.
I was questioning my participation earlier this week but speaking to Winston Peters on Thursday made up my mind.
He asked himself if anyone's free speech had been affected by this Act and answered himself in the negative-a typical Winston "conversation".
Id like to remind readers that 21 year old Andrew Moore's website was shut down by the Electoral Commission because of it and even the Labour party were hoisted by their own petard this week when a DVD they produced and released recently breached the Act.
Please get out there and show you care about democracy. My wife and I will be there and are willing to be branded "obscure" and "extreme" by the great dictator on Monday morning.
I was excited on my first march in November but now I'm just pissed off.
Pictures and story to follow here latter.
Related Political Animal reading
Electoral Finance Act March Mar 9, 2008
Electoral Finance Bill Vote
NZ losses democratic freedom
Mike Moore turns the knife
List of MPs who voted for Act
Cartoon and comment
Auckland Protest against EFB
The purpose of the Bill is clear
C Political Animal 2008
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